
How many people do you think actually care about horses in the horse racing industry?

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How many people do you think actually care about horses in the horse racing industry?




  1. In the horse racing industry they all care its their lively-hood

  2. Most all of them.  There will be a few in the management.. upper echelons that look at profit only, but the people working on the tracks, with the horses all care about the horses.  It is not an industry were the average joe makes huge piles of money, so you would have to care about the animal in order to live that lifestyle.  Early mornings, no vacations, no days off, etc.

  3. Being a person who works with race horses myself I can tell you first hand that most of all the people that work with race horses it is more than just a job it is their livelyhood.  The people who work with them work long hours for little pay to make sure the horses are well taken of.  It is unlike any other job out there.  A person who works with these horses not only work long hours, but 7 days a week.  There are no days off, paid holidays, or paid vacations for these people. They love what they do otherwise they would be working with race horses.

  4. Almost everyone... you have to care about your horse if you are going to race them. They need alot of care and special need. Racing isnt just show up to the track and hope that you win its actually training, amking sure your horse is 100% well enough to race. Anyone that races has to care about their race horse. Everone that i know that alos races (my family is in horse racing) cares about their horse. we dont just care about the money we care about the horse's well being

  5. I live in Kentucky, the home of the horses, yes  my grandpa had horses and made huge $ but he also loved his horses to spend millions a year to pay for them

  6. alot they need the horses for the race dont they

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