The incandescent light bulb is dead.Kaput.
G Bush signed the a bill (passed by a veto-proof majority), mandating ALL light bulbs consume 25% less energy by the year 2012. That bans the traditional, cheap incandescent bulb, allowing the expensive but longer-lasting (more efficient) fluorescent bulb to 'own' the market. This moved smoothly through Congress, due in part I am lobbyists. 20+ years ago Philips Electronics invented the fluorescent bulb, a corkscrew of tubes that generates light from electricity, gas, and mercury. (The concept originally came out of General Electric during the 1973 energy crisis, but the company considered the product too expensive to produce.) So, here we are.. seeing the change of technology. The end of dollar store lite bulbs. What the heck am I do to? Will these new fangled bulbs cause brain-clouds in people? Are you preparing for the switch and stocking up on old bulbs?