
How many people does it take to s***w in a incandesent bulb?

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The incandescent light bulb is dead.Kaput.

G Bush signed the a bill (passed by a veto-proof majority), mandating ALL light bulbs consume 25% less energy by the year 2012. That bans the traditional, cheap incandescent bulb, allowing the expensive but longer-lasting (more efficient) fluorescent bulb to 'own' the market. This moved smoothly through Congress, due in part I am lobbyists. 20+ years ago Philips Electronics invented the fluorescent bulb, a corkscrew of tubes that generates light from electricity, gas, and mercury. (The concept originally came out of General Electric during the 1973 energy crisis, but the company considered the product too expensive to produce.) So, here we are.. seeing the change of technology. The end of dollar store lite bulbs. What the heck am I do to? Will these new fangled bulbs cause brain-clouds in people? Are you preparing for the switch and stocking up on old bulbs?




  1. you need more florescent globes to produce the same light as an incandescent bulb, bottom line is, it doesn't save anything

  2. You can't s***w in an incandescent bulb. They are way too small.

    The early CFLs were not nearly as good as the ones being manufactured now. If you don't like the amount of light emitted, you can always switch to a higher wattage. I've seen them listed as the equivalent of a 150-watt incandescent and also seen three-way bulbs.

    The amount of mercury is miniscule.

  3. Yes I am buying pallets of 60w, 75w, 100w, 3 way bulbs, and especially 200w lights.  I plan to stock up enough to last the end of my life and allow my kids to make a fortune selling what's left on eBay after I check out.

    I'm also enjoying fish as much as I can because I know in 10-20 years there will be so much mercury in fish that it will no longer be safe to eat.

  4. umm, what about recycling it, thats the promblem.

  5. It was one of the most stupid thing I have ever seen out gov. do.

    The do not last longer, as some claim, in fact many don't last but a month or so,  Every try to return a dead light bulb?  it doesn't work.

    The money spent talking about this non-sense would have powered most of this nation for a month.

    and Yes, I am stocking up on Real light bulbs.  Bulb that LIGHT when you turn them on.  Bulbs that you KNOW work,  and when the Green Gestapo showes up at my door, I will tell them in no uncertain terms.   get off my land.

  6. I read a lot.

    The light from the fluorescents is not adequate.

    Guess I'll have to hoard a couple cases.

    Or stop reading. O well, probably be book burnings soon too.

    (Expletive beginning with F deleted) Greens!

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