
How many people don't travel, like me?

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How many people don't travel, like me?




  1. we moved and travelled a lot when I was a kid, so I don't go farther than an hour away for a few hours at a time to shop.  and even so, I only go once a month any more.

  2. I will never get on a plane these days.   Too much of trouble and a good chance of getting arrested for nothing.

  3. Not I--there's too much natural beauty out there to not witness it firsthand! No photo can compare to seeing the real thing yourself with your own 2 eyes.

  4. Here.  

    I wish I had the time. Hopefully when I'm done with school I'll put some points on my air rewards card.

  5. I only travel by car or train.  So I am limited to the 49 States.

  6. Traveling is for the birds.  I hear of too many horror stories to take the risk !

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