
How many people find it curious that when liberals don't like your answers on YA, they report you?

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Does this not prove that free speech, according to liberals, only applies when you agree with them?




  1. We report people like you who violate the rules.  It's funny that you conservatives don't obey the law.

  2. Oh please. Liberals don't report on this site any more than conservatives. This isn't a partisan issue.

  3. I get the same response from Con's I think it's just certain people are too sensitive and YA does nuthin to them for reporting this BS. We need a Big Balls Petition if you aint got big balls don't ask big questions

  4. get used to it, when Obama makes his homeland army, they will be rating us all off

  5. Got to agree with the first answer, its true.

  6. I've notice that both the far left and the far right crowds are a bit trigger happy with the report and thumbs down buttons.

  7. I get answers and questions reported and all I do is go to the Yahoo! Answers Appeal Form. I have had more content put back online than not. It's just immature people who don't like your question or answer. When they do see that it was not a violation, the people who reported it lose trust at Y/A's.

  8. Well, they are in their rights to report.  I've had a few of my answers deleted recently, too.

    I just wish Yahoo would be less partisan in deleting stuff.

  9. I used to. Then I realized its par for the course. An obambi supporter is the ceo of yahoo. So...I report the heck out of them now. It got so bad for me by those libs that yahoo was not even giving me reasons for violating me. They left it blank. The censor trolls are in full swing. So I just report report report.  It feels so cynical being liberal. icky

  10. The same reason conservatives report liberals.

    I take no sides, i am a moderate.

    Whenever I defend Obama, i get reported

    Whenever i defend McCain, I still get reported.

    I gave up and don't even get involved with it anymore.

  11. I have been reported a lot of times and been deleted and sometimes I have pled to yahoo and been restored LOL.  I think it is signs of times to come if bigger government and big brother has more control over our lives we will have information police.  Socialism and communism will not let you have freedom of speech at all.  The democrats and Obama lean toward that concept whether many believe it or not!  It's really not a curious is a fact that liberals  want to be able to speak their opinions freely but when conservatives talk about issues with them it is then that they start name-calling  and use the race card or feminism card etc. yes, it only applies when they want to say anything they want to say!  thank you for the question!

  12. As many as find it curious when conservatives report them

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