
How many people have donated to charity?

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How many people have donated to charity?




  1. I do every month, about £50.  Strange question.

  2. yes to MS

  3. I donated about 46 pence a couple months ago.

  4. I have a standing order for cancer research.

  5. Yes, I donate regularly by direct debit and some for disaster appeals.

    I wonder why you ask?

  6. in general? i'd say a lot!

  7. Many many times, my wife also did 10/12 years voluntary, 9/10 for Oxfam and 2/3 for Help the Aged....

  8. I regularly donate to my church, and to charities for disadvantaged children.

  9. Some surveys indicate that as many as 8 out of 10 ppl give to charity in one form or another.

    That would range from sizable donors to ppl who put some change in a jar on the store counter or the Salvation Army Christmas Kettle or a dollar in the offering plate at a church.   My guess would be that it also includes some ppl who say of course I give bec they don't want to look bad even tho they don't actually do it.   Maybe that is cynical.

    My guess is also that the percentage of people who give varies from place to place.   It has been my experience that the most well off and the least well off give most.   The former because they believe it is right perhaps and bec they see the tax advantages and the latter bec they know what it is to hurt and need a hand.  

    Researching the answer to your question I ffoundan iinterestingstatistic at saying that conservatives give 75% more to charities than liberals.  

    If you are asking if individual YA members give yes I do

  10. Not Enough.

    But its wrong that we have to give to Charities like Cancer Research etc....when the government and all MP's alike have big pay cheques and expenses paid for everything from lightbulbs to kitchens etc..

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