
How many people have ever lived?

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How many people, do you think, have lived on earth? That is, from the moment, whatever it may be, that mankind started existing...

including all the dead people




  1. Interesting thought, and i would be interested to know the answer if there is one! It has got to be a mammoth number but it has to be in the ball park of a billion billion?

  2. More people have ever lived than have died!!

  3. 8000 year ago there were 5 million people on the planet

    2000 years ago there were 200 million

    there were not a billion until after 1800.

    Without census it is impossible to actually predict the truth so the answer is a range....

    Estimates of the number of human beings who have ever lived on Earth constitute an extremely large range, with low estimates around 45 billion, and the highest estimates topping out around 125 billion. Many of the more robust estimates fall into the range of 90 to 110 billion humans.

  4. Going back 195,000 years (When the earliest Homo sapiens fossil was found), demographers put the total number of humans that have ever lived, at a minimum of 120 billion. Consider that 1803 was the first known time, that one billion people lived on earth.

  5. Just before the millenium one of the tabloids (I believe it was the daily mail) had an article stating that there were now almost as many people in the world as there has ever been people. So I guess if you figure out the population of the world and double it, you've got your answer!

  6. Let me just get my list of 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000...  people

  7. too bloody many.

  8. dunno....go and ask em =]

  9. well, let's use cro- magnum man as the starting point, shall we? that would be roughly .......10,000 years ago, assuming the theory of evolution holds true. each man and woman in this generation lives to be, on average 70. back in the day it was 25. excluding disease, famine, natural disasters, suicide, murder, and death by other species, and taking in to account each woman gave birth to an average of 3 children, not to mention 2/3 of those children actually survived the birthing process, my final guess would have to be............... yeah, i got no clue whatsoever. but someone who does have a clue would be hard pressed to come up with a decent number. but i did sound like i knew what i was talking about for a hot second, didn't  i?

  10. 96,100,000,000 people have lived on the earth.

  11. Squillions squared!

  12. thats a tough ? one which you are never going to get the corect answer for,because reason is its (impossible)

  13. There are 6 billion now, and the total is considered to be around 100 billion.

  14. I was given to understand at college that because of the exponential growth in the world's population, statistics indicate that over half the people that have ever lived are alive today!

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