
How many people have kept leftovers in their fridge longer than Obama has served in the Senate?

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After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan.

143 days.

I keep leftovers in my refrigerator longer than that.

Is Barack Obama ready to lead this nation?




  1. Obama has been an elected official for 12 years. See how we can all phrase things how we want to be misleading? Yeah, you are a pro already.

  2. So since McSame is older than the state his VP nominee is from that makes anything better?

    Plus, you may want to work on your housecleaning and personal hygiene some, I would say...

  3. Not my fridge but half my freezer is at least a year old!

  4. I am definitely guilty of that as well and totally agree with you.  

  5. Wow, you're leaving yourself open to attack. The fruitcakes here are liable to jump all over you about that guy. They think he is some kind of savior or something. The dumbards.........

  6. yes... that lettuce is still pretty good.

    i do not think he is ready to lead  NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.

  7. YES - Barack HUSSEIN Obama is ready to lead our nation!!

  8. Is Barack Obama ready to lead this nation?Yes.

  9. Remind me not to eat at your house.  Lincoln had 0 days in the US Senate.  He served about the same time in the Illinois legislature as Obama.

  10. Who hasn't?

    Depends on where he wants to lead it.  (ie: down the toilet, h**l in a handbasket...)

  11. Vote for Obama, maybe you won't have to survive on 143 day old leftovers.

  12. I'd have to plead guilty to that offense.

  13. I've got things in my fridge older than McCain's outdated ideas.

  14. Not me.  However, this won't take the focus of the latest breaking Palin scandals ...

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