
How many people have seen half nelson?

by Guest57887  |  earlier

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That movie really made me think. It was one of those movies that kind of made me frozen. I have worked with addicts and have tried to wrap my head around addiction. It makes me so sad. What are some of your reactions of the movie or addiction?




  1. It was pretty disturbing and almost pointless in my opinion. I love movies and this one was odd and not in a good way. A teacher is a junkie, passes out in a bathroom stall, is fiound by a student and they end up bonding. The student doesn't help the teacher of vice versa. Then it just randomly ends with no closure. The movie bothered me for movie critic reason; lack of charactor development, plot development and then plain meaning.

    Trainspotting was a more realistic view of junkies in my opinion.

    Addiction is indeed sad. I can't tell you at age 29, how many people I know that have fried their brains on drugs and alcohol. Most are not coming back to sanity ever. Forever will they be whacky. But on the other hand, they did it to themselves. But they couldn't help themselves. It's sad and a waste but at the same time I don't want to be around these people. I used to work with special ed children and have more sympathy for them as they were born that way (at a disadvantage).

  2. watch full nelson lah watch half nelson all

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