
How many people here have had a paranormal encounter?

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I'm curious to know how many of you actually believe in the existence of ghosts, demons and other paranormal creatures and would appreciate it if you were honest in your responses and if any of you have experienced an encounter with a ghost i am more then happy to hear it.




  1. i didnt believe in ghosts after 7 but when i was 9 i was cycling with my cousin bro. In the middle of the way he saw a girl calling him.She was very stangely dressed.When he went to her he fainted and she dissapeared.

  2. Go to Discover Resolved Questions at the top of the front paranormal page and you'll find lots and lots of paranormal experiences. You'll discover paranormal things that you never even heard of before. Have fun!!

    Edit..Heidi...It's called a "corset". Some of them were just at the waist..and some were from your top to the top of your knee. They used to have to use strings to tighten them.Then someone invented hooks. I wonder if they messed up their insides..tightening them so tight. Glad that's over and we don't have to do that!!

    I love hearing all these new stories!!!

  3. i exped a weired thing not long ago it was some sort of red mist in my bedroom spreading on the ceiling and also i was seeing shadows figures i thought i was going crazy than i did a lot's of research to understand what i was going thrum it change my vision of life forever

  4. I believe that there are things that we cannot yet explain through science. I have had some weird experiences, but I have not seen a ghost. I don't believe in demons, though.

    I was a Trustee for a local sorority whose house was rumored to be haunted by a former house mother. I made a joke about making the house co-ed and a sign I had made for the event flew off the wall. Once when I was playing with a Ouija board with friends we could take our hands off the planchette and it would keep moving. We asked how the person died and the planchette responded with "natural causes." Finally, when I was staying in New Orleans a lampshade in my hotel room would keep moving. I would straighten it out, turn my back on it and when I would turn back around, it would be askew again. If I watched it, it wouldn't move. As soon as I looked away it would be askew again. I finally left it alone.

  5. I believe in things like that and so do my friends.

    One day (about two, three years ago) I was jumping on my trampoline and my dog Siren looked up at the deck and just started barking.

    I looked up to see what she was barking at and I swear I saw a girl leaning on the balcony. She looked kind of old fashioned and she was wearing a red top with one of those things that look like the things that people used to where to make their waists smaller (if that makes any sense. sorry I dont know what there called) she was wearing a white/greyish apron. She kind of looked like a bar maid. Anyway, I was so scared I just ran straight inside!

    I have no proof that this happened because no body else was outside with me so nobody else saw it but I swear its true.

  6. I have lived with ghosts but my favorite experience was while camping above the Cheat River in WV.  I was atop of a rock upcropping and there was a man who reminded me so much of my friend Charlie states away that I took his photograph.  After some talk and scenic viewing I looked about and he was gone, like in an instant.   Later after my work season I returned home and found that was the week that Charlie died.

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