
How many people here practice lucid dreaming?

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or out-of-body experiences? Which is your primary method of induction? I'm just trying to get a feel for what is the most popular method here, assuming some of you travel these dislocate planes.




  1. I am able to lucid dream. I have asked other family members if they have ever done it but they all just look at me weird. When I told my husband that I could do this, I didn't realize that it had a name. He did some research and then I realized that other people could also do it. Hubby has tried but he hasn't been able to do it. I try to stay aware of my surroundings and if someone disappears from a dream or the surroundings suddenly change then I know I am dreaming. I will also stop and ask myself if I remember getting ready and/or traveling to the site of the dream that day.

    The weird thing is that whenever I know I am lucid dreaming, I always try to have s*x with whatever guy is around. I have done it with Nick Lachey, Colin Ferrill and a bunch of strangers. I have only had s*x with my husband and so I wonder if it is my alter ego letting loose. I do everything in my dream that I would never do in real life. I no longer have to be the "good girl" but I can be the "bad girl" with zero consequences. When I know I am dreaming then I tell the people in my dream that they dreaming and they can do whatever they want. They don't always listen to me though...LOL!

    Be careful because once you start manipulating your brain to change your dream then you can easily wake yourself up.

  2. It seems to happen by accident more so than by actually having the ability to control it.

    I normally fly through my home. At first it's scary. But then it's like wheeeeee..........look wtf I can do!

    I'd have to say my worst experience was flying all the way to some tree tops. And there were like 5 other people in the same tree hanging onto the branches for dear life. All of us were naked to, and it was in the dead of winter, yet I was not cold.

  3. I love those dreams where I become aware...and my mind twists and turns though my wild nightly dilutions ...

    But meditation and yoga and breathing help a lot also

  4. I lucid dream naturally, although I don't do it when I'm not getting enough sleep, not recording my dreams regularly, or just too stressed out about something.

    See my answer to a related question, for how to help induce lucid dreams.;...

    - Persephone

  5. I lucid dream. I am learning to controll it. I learned from this website. There is lots of info on it and if you scroll down you can find a how to. My first lucid dream was amazing!

  6. I dont know about OBEs, as they are most likely the result of imagination and sleep related hallucinations.

    However, I have experienced and even successfully induced both lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis.

    I will not go deep into details, but people who suffer sleep disorders tend to experience this stuff regularly involuntarily.

    You need to scramble up your sleeping patterns. Over sleep, and nap. This will drain the chemicles in your brain that aid in the transition between consciencness and sleep. This will put you into weird hallucinatory states associated with a number of paranormal phenomena.

    I can not guarentee that this will work, but if you are intent on experiencing this stuff, this will give you a good chance of experiencing weird stuff.

  7. No.Never had one. Maybe I did and didn't know what it was. I hope everybody will use their COMMON SENSE about buying herbs or drugs online!!

  8. i believe that we have the abilit to do this.. when one considers that we use so little part of our brains.. the  connectness to this exercise has been lost.

  9. I do not think you can practice this, but I do think that when it happens you can learn to go with the flow and not fight it. If you  try to do this it will interfere with it happening.  The best way for it to happen is to ask for it to happen and then keep a journal by your bedside and write down everything, keep it documented.

  10. I have had lucid dreams before, although I didn't really induce them. I kind of just became aware as I was dreaming. Most of the time I can control the dream from then on, but sometimes my mind begins to control itself and I chose to do things in my dream that I really don't want to do...for some reason I still chose to do them/make them happen.

    If you want to have an out of body experience, but don't want to take any illegal or harmful drugs, try Salvia divinorum.

    It is a legal (in almost all states) psychoactive plant that can easily induce out of body experiences. You can buy leaves or extract online on several websites. You can also read about other peoples experiences.

    It is not known to be harmful (but there haven't been too many tests done) YET or addictive. It is even used to help treat depression in some people.

    Good luck and have fun.

  11. I did practice lucid dreaming, now I just don't get enough sleep in order for it to be worthwhile. Anyways, all of mine were Dream-Induced Lucid Dreams (DILD's). In order to get mine I first kept a dream journal and wrote down all the the dreams I rememberd even if it was only a partial bit of a dream. I did this for a long time in order to build up my memory for dreams at one point I remembered 6 dreams in one night. See, there is no point in having a lucid dream in you can't remember it. that's the point of dream journals. I did this for a few weeks and then I would look back and see if I could find anything that popped up often like lakes or something. Then whenever I saw a lake in real life I would plug my nose and try to breathe through it for a few secs and ask myself in I am dreaming. Sounds silly but thing is, in dreams your memory doesn't put together the little stuff. For example in a dream light switches don't work. Anyways the reason for the plug your nose thing is that when you do those things often (they are called Reality Checks) , it can carry over into the dream world and so if you see a lake in your dream you might plug your nose and try to breathe through it. When you do this in a dream you can breathe through your nose and that clues you in to the fact that this is a dream and voila, chances are you will be Lucid. When this happens try to stay calm and not get excited or you will lose your Lucidity right away.

    I would suggest you check out Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen Laberge, it is the Lucid Dreamers equivalent of the Bible.

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