
How many people here think they could have written Obama's speech on Thursday?

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Seriously, I felt that he threw it into some sort of speech generator made up of his past speeches.




  1. None of the these folks write their own speeches...on both sides.

  2. he wrote it himself in a hotel room a few miles from his home

  3. Definitely. The man doesn't have anything to say lets just face it. He's trying to pull a fast one on us to get votes.

  4. I don't think many will agree.

    Even Pat Buchannon, arch conservative and former presidential speech writer praised the speech as the most stirring and well constructed convention speech he had ever heard.

  5. i couldn't have.  

  6. How hard could it be?

    Let's see ... inspirational, patriotic opening comments ... "I will" followed by something that sounds good ... "I can" followed by something everyone wishes would happen ... "I'm going to" followed by an inarguable necessity ... "I remember when" followed by heartwarming anecdote ... "It's not about me" has to be in there somewhere ... "McCain is more of Bush" paraphrased to sound somehow new & interesting (and true) ..."rich people are bad" followed by mind-numbingly vague / complicated nonsense ... "no capital gains taxes on small business" comments, failing to mention that small business pay income taxes, not capital gains taxes ... more inspirational but meaningless buzzwords ... raise hands up in the air ... nod and grin at the cheers ... got it.

  7. ****** hater

  8. certainly not, you try writing that, better yet, get up there and speak it to millions.

  9. Obama plagiarized his speech from Biden, or was it the other way around?

  10. You are a HATER !

    Obama's speech was incredible ..

  11. Why do you even bother?... That was a great speech and a historic moment!... I think you already know that, from the tone of this question.

    I could not have written a speech that good.

  12. are you ******* kidding me? the news people said obama sat up in a hotel room alone for a night and wrote the speech himself. it was the best ive ever seen.

  13. I would have and he probably did take Carter's 1976 DNC acceptance speech and just updated it (probably 10% of the speech).

  14. ohh please! wait till u hear mcsame's

  15. If you had a copy of  the democrat talking points, you could write it, but I would have thrown in something about Martin Luther King since it was his birthday.

    I was hoping Obama would tell us something about the content of his character rather than the same old about Bush and McCain.

  16. Are you kidding? This is one of the best speeches I have ever heard live. My favorite part was "John McCain says he'll follow Osama Bin Laden to the gates of h**l, but he won't even follow him to the cave where he lives."


    Actually, I like what this line signifies, McCain continues to support the war in Iraq when they didn't even attack us. It's what the line represents. But I must say that his speech was phenomenal because of his ability to connect us all & not define us simply as just democrats and republicans.

    Particularly this part of his speech:

    "I love this country, and so do you, and so does John McCain. The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and Independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a Red America or a Blue America — they have served the United States of America."

    Sometimes there is so much emphasis in being a Democrat or a Republican or an Independent that we forget to acknowledge each other as simply fellow Americans. I liked his speech, I thought that if nothing else at least he expressed what America is really all about.

  17. He has many more than one writer. Lots of people contribute. He made so many promises that no one can EVER keep. How do you give more services while lowering taxes. How can he completely eliminate our need for oil in such a short period of time. Every election it's the same thing. Political folly! And we fall for it hook, line and sinker.

    I really didn't think his speech was all that good. He was being a very good cheerleader for his party. Do you realize how much money has been spent on these campaigns? Do you understand that in this country it's NOT possible for anyone to be president. Only the rich can afford that honor. I would love to see campaign reform. I'd like less party devotion too. By the way, for those about to give me a bunch of thumbs down, I don't believe McCain's rhetoric either. I'm not a pessimist, but I know lies when I hear them.  

  18. Really? Wait to John McCain deliver his.  It will be made of cut and taped news paper prints.  

  19. How many times does he have to repeat his agenda to you morons before you get what he is all about????

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