
How many people know about global warming? [Science fair project]?

by Guest56760  |  earlier

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I'm doing a science project and I need some statistics relevant to global warming.

Okay so the question in the title:

Just an estimation, if you do have quite accurate or close to accurate statistics, feel free to post it.

Like if I were to give someone a test about some facts about global warming, how would well would the average person do on the test?

And if I gave that same test back to that same person about 5 years later, would he/she know more than last time? If so, by about what percent?

How much does the average adult (35-40 years old) know about global warming?

I really need some feedback kinda quick because it's due pretty soon. XP




  1. ok usually the average person would get an about 57 percent on  a test about global warming...usually the same person would remember about 3 questions they got wrong five yars ago..if they had that ame test agin they's probably get about a 69 percent an average 35-40 year old would probably get an 72 percent on a test ...if they love the envirment...96 percent

  2. As far as I am concerned it is a myth. In 1974 I worked as a lab assistant for a Chemistry Professor who helped start all this stuff. Three universities MIT, NMSU, and Cal Poly Pomona were involved. They applied for a Grant to study the Ozone layer. The grant was not enough to do more than build the Instrument package but not fly it. So they did environmental chamber simulation experiments, and the results were if you have the exact combination of ozone, Freon(from hair spray and spray underarm deodorant), and lighting causes the Ozone and Freon to chemically combine. They publicized this widely to get a lot more money and started the environmental movement. They lied bald faced because they said this was what happening to the ozone layer. They did nothing with the first grant that was real with ozone. Environmentalist was all a freaking lie. Now it is the second biggest religion in the USA. You can believe what you will but I saw it all start.

    from a previous post

  3. Judging by what I've seen on this forum ("Al Gore invented global warming" ; "volcanoes spew more CO2 than humans" ; "the sun is to blame [even though solar output is on the decline") I'd say the average person knows absolutely nothing about global warming.

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