
How many people know the damage the LASIK has done to thousands of people's lives?

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LASIK complications happen more frequently than the LASIK industry and LASIK surgeons want the public to know.

Remember that you only get two eyes and they need to last you a lifetime. Take good care of them. LASIK cuts nerves, slices your eye open, and burns away part of your cornea. I don't know about you, but this doesn't sound healthy to me (even if LASIK is a short-term success for some). Actually, not only does it not sound healthy, but it is scientifically proven to be a terrible thing to do to your eyes. That's a big reason why most eye doctors where glasses.

Before having LASIK, look closely at sites like This is the most objective information that you will get about LASIK. If you think that a LASIK surgeon will give you objective information, there's a high likelihood that you will be wrong. Remember that they make thousands in cash by slicing and lasering your eyes.




  1. You bring up a few great points, however some of your facts are incorrect. I am a technician for a major eye surgery company and more then 99% of people come out happy, 95% have 20/20 vision or even greater. Lasik does not "cut" into your eye. What it does it creates a flap on your epathilium layer (the thin layer of skin over your eye to protect it) which is also only like 100 microns deep, which is practically unmeasureable. Then the treatment begins. The laser does not burn your cornea, it reshapens the surface to adjust to the serverity of ones eyes. Yes, there are sometimes complications, but so does going to the dentist, or even driving your car. Everything we do has some field of risk, but lasik is proven to be safer then the wearing of contact lenses. There is also a new procedure called intralase which in fact does no cutting at all, and is 100 times more accurate and safer. If people have told you that you can go blind, then this is some what false. You can go blind, but it would be caused by infections or even the lack of care one does. If people use the antibiotic eye drops that most doctors perscribe and get plenty of sleep afterwards the chance of a complication is less then 1% possible. 1 out of every 50 people will get an infection due to contacts and there chance of getting kerataconous (a severe eye infection which turns into the deterioration of the cornea) also increases too. Lasik can be dangerous if you go to some bargain doctor, but the average $3000 of cost is much more worth it then people like yourself tend to think.

  2. I have personally seen people literally in tears over the results of their laser surgery, and I have not always been able to get them decent vision back to anywhere near the level they had before the ops.

    But the vast majority of people are much happier.

    Some, apparently despite appreciable side effects: dry eyes, night-time glare...

    It is a risk, and it must be understood to be a risk before people elect for Lasik, Lasek etc.

    I still find people who, because they know ten people who have been very happy, seem to think nothing can go wrong.

    And it can go wrong, even when the surgeon makes no mistakes at all.

    But then: people opt for the benefit of driving cars, and they kill 100 people a day in the USA.

    A twin towers casualty list every single month.

    If six Jumbo jets fell out of the sky every month there would be a massive outcry...

    Humans are not, on the whole,  good at noting or handling risks in any sort of proportion.

  3. I have heard some horror stories, but I have also heard a lot of success stories. Personally, I think I'll stick with contacts.

  4. They make thousands by giving people freedom from glasses and contacts. Do you know the damage wearing contacts can do to the eyes? You see one bad thing and believe it with no open mind for the good. You can't lump it all together. Even things that save lives such as medications, can cause so many unwanted side effects, it's part of life.

    Wow, 5% oooh..... Lasik cuts into the eye to change the surface of the cornea, in the stroma.

    Contacts cause hypoxia, epithelial tears, infections, neovascularization, keratoconus, opacities, infiltrates, ulcers, acanthaoeba which will cause loss of the eye, They found the incidence of ulcerative keratitis in New England to be 4.1 in 10,000 daily contact lens wearers per year. Incidence in extended contact lens wearers was even greater at 20.9 per 10,000. When the actual wearing patterns of users were studied, they found that patients who slept in their lenses had a 10- to 15-fold higher risk of developing an infection.

  5. I understand your concern about the risk involved in laser eye surgery,but it has helped many people see better without the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses.I myself would not get it,not because I wouldn't want the benefit of having 20/20 vision again in my life,but because I quite frankly love my glasses,they're a part of me,and also I've learned to accept that part of me and so has everyone that I know,and I love that!

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