
How many people know what the colors on the american flag represent?

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We don't need to know what the stars and stripes mean,im sure any fifth grader could tell us




  1. I suppose it's the colour of the uniforms soldiers wore back then, just like most other flag-colours.

  2. Red stands for the blood that our fathers shed, white stands for purity and blue stand for justice.

  3. The three main colors of the flag are Red, White, and Blue. Red represents hardiness and valor; White represents innocence and purity; while Blue represents perseverance, justice, and vigilance.

  4. White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valour, and Blue, the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice.

    Also this from a book about the flag published in 1977 by the House of Representatives...

    "The star is a symbol of the heavens and the divine goal to which man has aspired from time immemorial; the stripe is symbolic of the rays of light emanating from the sun."

  5. I'm not american so i don't know however i do know what the stars & stripes mean. Why don't you ask if americans know anything about other countries? Coz it comes across that you guys don't think there is a world outside of america. I don't mind americans so don't think i'm hasseling you. I had to learn about north american history in school, they didn't teach us our own history (Australia) how stupid is that?

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