
How many people love candles, oils to burn and incense's?

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I love smelling oils in the house and candles are nice too......




  1. i have done course in aromatherapy and i give aroma facials to my candles and oils are part of my routine but i am allergic to incense and i dont use them in my temple.

  2. Everyday!  I am a fan of Yankee Candles.  Buttercream is a fave, both oil and candles/tarts.  The new fall scents are really good this year--I prefer spices and baking smells.  I also like the Old Virginia WoodWick candles.  They crackle when they burn.  I have an orange/clove that I'm currently burning.  It really throws the fragrance throughout the house.  If you like oils, I cam across a site LOADED with all kinds.  They have absolutely everything!  Scents are such a great way to relax and end the day.  Spray your favorite scent on a cotton ball and put it in your car ash tray, or in a cup in your cup holder.  Tuck one inconspicuously in a plant.  You can also rub scents on furniture in a spot you won't notice, if you don't mind a little mark.  I rub a little cinnamon scent on the back of our TV armoire.  Scents the room!

  3. Candles are great for mood effect .  

  4. i love candles, oils, and incenses too i have them going all the time  

  5. Ohh..I love it so much! They are my passions too as I get some revitalizing effects dramatically. The moods can vary and may choose a perfect aromatic flavor to fit accordingly. I cherish exotic scents such as spicy, fruity and florals..

    I was doing it for many years and at times getting to feel like that of a witchy sense of atmosphere, lol... Along with it comes with some herbal therapy too..Perfect. We can benefit from these aromas from bathing and creating a mood of sensuality by the magical effects of these alluring smells of candles, oils and incenses plus herbal teas..Great! This thing truly magnatized. Thanks Rita!

    Enjoy it..with your beautiful sensuality. 'Wish you rejuvenated each time.

  6. Candles are absolutely wonderful.  They're even proven to be therauptic and relaxing.  I also love incense: there's nothing better than coming home to a house that smells so beautiful.

  7.   I would guess about 98% of the population. Candles have a mystic aura around them and can always mellow the mood... Incense, although not quite as popular with people with breathing disorders are quite useful in setting the mood as well...but I recommend a good quality brand. Myself, I prefer Blue Pearl,  Champa...or sandalwood.

  8. I do, it's very relaxing and along with the smell of a soft, warm, loving and sky-clad female it becomes very Heavenly.

  9. i burn candles, and oils everyday, incense every now in then. it makes your house/apartment/bedroom smell so good and its also relaxes you, especially the aroma therapy.

  10. I love candles-- I have a zillion of them, and I use them for different activities throughout the day-- one is lit when I study, another when I'm just relaxing, another when I need to pep myself up. That way, the scents get associated with a certain mindset, and it's a great, subtle way to keep myself on task!

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