
How many people love to hunt and hate PETA?

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I love to hunt coyotes year around, in Ohio there are no bag limits, open season is year round and you can even hunt them over bait or at night. It's awesome, such a rush to see a group come into a call and drive 3 or 4 at once!!! I also hunt deer, turkey, squirrel, fox, duck and have been known to nail a groundhog or two when the chance arrives. Also I hate PETA and anti-gun freaks that want to take my rights away. The NRA is so big PETA and anti-gun groups will never stop gun-owners and hunters. Plus all they do is complain and cry but they never do anything for the environment like conservation, planting food plots for animals or river-cleanups like most sportsmen do. So how many here hate hunting and gun owners. And if you do why do you come into the hunting section and try and "educate" us and stop us from hunting. I figure for every anti-hunting PETA freak that comes into the hunting section and trolls I will do the same here..




  1. People have a right to hunt when they are not endangering an ecosystem. I do not particularly love PETA but they are an honest organization.  I do not hunt and I personably believe that hunting is a disgusting and barbaric sport.

  2. While I dont hunt, I support your right to do so.  I used to hunt, but got bored with it.

  3. peta org. helps animal's  

    plus stops institutions

    from useing domestic animals, from being killed for  science.

    then their is those lousy

    hunters that use their

    guns for toys killing the

    poor wild animals for fun. you are a discuss

    to play with guns and kill

    game. like your starving

    for food.



  4. I love to hunt, but I really don't hate PETA and others of their ilk.  I just think they are terribly misguided.  I'm not too sure I agree with your coyote hunting practices.  I see no reason for the wholesale slaughter of these useful preditors.  Dear, turkey, squirrel, rabbit, ducks, and geese, no problem as they are quite tasty.

  5. People




    I'm a big hunter myself (also in Ohio - Clinton Co.). I think people like PETA don't really understand all the money and effort that hunters actually do put back into the wildlife. Billions of dollars are raised on licenses and tags each year, and organizations like NTF, Ducks Unlimited, etc make new habitat for migratory birds and other wildlife in the area. People need to open their eyes!!

  6. i don't hunt, and im not a fan of peta.

  7. I like to hunt, but dont hate PETA.   They are a misguided bunch for the most part.  Their tactics are c**p because they dont have any real leg to stand on.   I think most of them are searching for some cause so they can show others how much they care.  What they do is wrong.

  8. i hunted all my life and ate good clean healthy meat and not our home grown garbage.

    as far as Peta they should put there money in the earths hungry baby's and maybe adopt a few

  9. I do not hunt personally, but grew up around hunters.  The only time I don't like hunters is when they hunt too close to homes, or go out in the middle of the night illegally, or shoot over their limit.  Hunting is necessary, I know around my area in PA, if there was no hunting,  deer would overtake the place.  In addition to killing off all the vegetation, there would be so many car accidents from them running in front of you, it wouldn't even be funny.

  10. I don't have a problem with people who hunt for survival, however if you are just fine going to the super market then yeah I have a problem.  

    I don't trust people with guns! The woods behind my boyfriends house is open to hunting. That's stupid when kids are always running around and playing back there. STUPID!

  11. I hunt. I quickly and cleanly kill what I hunt, and eat what I kill. Nothing is wasted.It's much more humane than supporting domestic slaughterhouses.

      Any meat eater that looks down on hunting is a hypocrite as he/she supports domestic cruelty to animals via the meat industry.

    Peta is irrelevant.

  12. I don't hunt, but I do HATE PETA, idiots!!

  13. I like to hunt. I dont hate PETA, I just think they should worry about real problems. hunters have more respect  for what they do.

  14. dont be hard on just PETA

    i hate everything.

  15. I don't hunt because I think killing animals for fun is wasteful and maybe even cruel. And I DIDNT search for this, why would I? And there are restrictions on hunting for safety of the enviorment. And if you have any logic, you'd know that both sides are right... you can do what you want but keep in mind the nature you live in.

    Good luck.

  16. I don't love either but I agree with your side more

  17. I don't hunt.  I don't like killing anything.  Hunting, however, does serve a purpose.  I will leave it up to you to do it though.  as for PETA, I enjoy no organization that resorts to lies and scare tactics to get their way.

  18. i would love to join if u are organzing one, i mean hunting down peta folks hahaha, i love meat. meat is life and meat for life - oink!

  19. i agree I hunt something all year long from deer turkey coyotes hogs dove and anything else i can legally hunt we should have open season on these peta scum people like that are what's wrong with America

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