
How many people of a different race has sat at your dinner table this year?

by  |  earlier

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My grandfather was a Native.

Looking at this forum, I see a lot of dumb questions about racism. Most races do not have the power to be a racist.

I just wanted to know how diverse people are in their home life.




  1. Not a one. We just don't like to eat at the table.

  2. like 5 or 6

  3. I have eaten dinner with several Japanese people very recently and just had BBQ last Thursday night with several blacks, a Korean and a Chinese gentleman.  The first person my granddaughter ever invited to our house was a black child.  My next door neighbors are a mixed race couple (hispanic/black); the people across the street are a mixed race couple (black/white); the people next door to them are hispanic and my husband is American Indian.  That's one the reasons I find all the rhetoric on this site about "black this" and "black that" so offensive.  If anyone has been historically discriminated against - and continues to be discriminated against - in this country, it is the American Indian.  But you don't see any of them asking questions in this forum like "How many American Indians have sat at your dinner table this year?"

  4. lets seee... my bf is araibian... my grandpa is colombian, the rest of my family is native american, my sisters and brother (not blood, we just close like tht) are mexican [1] mexican and puerto rican [1] and mexican and egyption [1] my brother in law is phillipino... my best friends (black, chinese, and white) so thats alot lol =D

  5. I haven't eaten dinner at a proper table since last Christmas...

    But my friend, Paul, visits frequently to have a drink and chat over food with my girl and I, and he's African American. No problems there. Personally, I wouldn't care if he was black or green with pink stripes. He's one h**l of a funny guy, and race has nothing to do with that.

  6. almost every day.

  7. Plenty just from my family.  Both of my parents are multiracial so you can imagine what my family looks like.

  8. 0

  9. a LOT! :-)

  10. Rarely do I dine at home, but when I go out to lunch/dinner, it is rare that I meet up with Americans. I work as a scientist, however, so most of the people I know are foreigners.

  11. Only one....White

    Couple of races served me

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