
How many people of the irish rugby union team actually speak fluent Irish? Same with the Welsh team?

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I mean welsh for Wales.

Rwy'n Gymro i am a welshman And happy i am too ::D:D

Welsh is my first and native language




  1. im sure a lot of the welsh team speak fluent welsh....

    and im not saying that just coz you're welsh, i have a friend from Swansea who speaks perfect Cymraeg (i think its called that??).....well she says its perfect antway lol....

    anyway she says the language is still very much alive over there...

    not sure bout the Irish though....

  2. Ummm.... why would the Welsh team speak fluent Irish!

    Don't know if that info is public knowledge, maybe you could contact the clubs themselves for a definitive answer...

    I'm English but that was a great win by Wales today...they deserved it.

  3. Some possibly, but most will just be English speakers.

    Generally people have better things to do than to learn dying languages.

    I'm sure you grew up in a welsh speaking enclave somewhere, thus you learned as a kid.  Hats off to you if you had the get up and go to actually learn it as an adult.  And if so, why didnt you learn Spanish or French or German?.  You know - useful languages ;)

    That said - I'm sure we'll see a resurgence in old languages as Wales, Scotland etc get a bit more independence from us evil English.


    I dont understand that last bit.  Had a mental image of your keyboard cracking in an electrical fire caused by spittle ;)

    Hey - each to their own.  You've got something worth preserving, so keep up the good work in preserving it.  I'm sure I'd feel the same if my language was on the way out...

    (Only joking :-)  - and well done for yesterday BTW)

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