
How many people on here are over 60 i just wonder?

by  |  earlier

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i would like to know what you thank it seems like most kids on here ,don,t get me wrong i love talking to everone let me know if your out thire




  1. i`m here 45;o) Sorry but we will never escape the delinquents LOL You have to admit some of the stuff they say is pretty funny, and scary at the same time. It makes me wonder what the world will be like in 10 years. Baby's daddy's will be president,14 year old boys will be directing porns, and 12 year old girls will still be asking if they are fat. HAHAHA!!!

  2. What you saying anyone under 60 is a kid lol?

    I'm not even 30 yet, but still get fed up of the teens asking annoying questions, so I get where you are coming from.

  3. no i am 19, i wish there was more older smarter people on here to really answer a question than a bunch of young teenagers you just answer how ever they please and they are normally stupid answers.

  4. Are you over 60?  I'm 34.

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