
How many people on here live in australia?

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and anyone from brisbane?




  1. Yep - born and bred on the south side - moved to toowoomba for uni and came back now to live on the north side!  Hi!

  2. Approx 21,363,477 people in Aussie

    I'm one of them and in Cairns.

    Love Brisbane though !

  3. me

    & yes

  4. is melbourne helpful lol!

  5. I'm from the western outskirts of Brisbane. Fantastic place to live!

  6. me, south australia.

  7. I'm just East of Brisbane, and down a bit, but not quite in the water :)

  8. yep,,im up on the coalfields.

  9. I am from Brisbane, 22kms south of the city central, 2 kids, 2 cats, 200 cookbooks and chooks in the yard.  Need any eggs?

  10. me i live in sa. the state of churches and murders.

  11. yes, i live in australia!

    not brisbane though.

  12. lol @ the answer above me.

    Yep, living on the Ipswich side of Brisbane.

  13. I'm a Brissy girl, Born & Bred!

  14. Yep, I live in country Victoria.

  15. at least one, me, and probably more, but i doubt that you'll get an accurate total. good luck though.

    oh, and i'm not from brisbane

  16. I live in Sydney. Soz, I don't know anyone from Brisbane

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