
How many people on here or how many people do you know of have been hit by an uninsured motorist?

by  |  earlier

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Please tell me in detail what was the outcome?




  1. My daughter was hit by an illegal, uninsured Mexican and my insurance had to pay. He gave bogus information and disappeared.

  2. Happens everyday.

    What happens? Either you have uninsured motorist coverage on your own policy and you get your vehicle taken care of....


    You don't have uninsured motorist coverage and then you are screwed.

    A lot of people want to run to the courts to sue the uninsured driver. I personally think that is silly though. I mean, obviously the person doesn't have money to pay for insurance, you think they will have money for the court?

  3. I got hit by an illegal from Mexico.  He went home and I had to claim my damages on my insurance.

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