
How many people on y/a are paid cash in hand......?

by  |  earlier

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That is how many of you are paid a wage without having it paid directly into the bank and how many of you agree that this type of payment is an abuse of you freedom of choice...




  1. every immigrant in the country,,,i see the bosses every week come out and pay them with fifty pound notes,,,,no tax ,no nat ins contributions,,,its all great for the country gordon and alistair (the darling)tell us so,,

    to ascoile,,,,wrong it leaves the rest of us paying your bills

  2. I'm happy to have my wages paid direct to the bank.  Cuts out pickpockets, and overspending   -   if it is not in my hand, I am less likely to spend it   -    and means the money is already there in time to meet my bills.  And it cuts down on travel to put it in the bank (instead of keeping it under the mattress) because it gets there without any extra effort from me.  And if the government is interested in looking, I have no 'hot money' suddenly appearing in my account.  All the lodgments are well documented.  No, I don't see this as any kind of abuse of freedom of choice.

  3. Why would this be an abuse of your freedom of choice when you chose to take the job knowing how you would get paid.

  4. It's not an abuse of freedom of choice.

    Bt getting cash in hand there is no paper trail of what money I have.

    This means the wife, tax man, etc can't keep tabs on my money.


    I pay all my bills, I owe nothing.

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