
How many people out there actually think that hillary isnt a complete and total scam?

by  |  earlier

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i believe that she is just doing this for attention




  1. Funny...That's something all politicians in other words politics is a scam about getting ATTENTION.  Nah...politics is a scam because it's all about lies, cheating, stealing, misleading (different from out & out lying), and pandering to others to gain favor.  ALL politicos are sacm artests to a degree...they have to be in order to "fill/meet" the needs of their constituencies.  PEACE!

  2. No,I think she is doing it because she wants to be President.  There are a lot of easier ways to get attention.  A political campaign is terribly exhausting and very expensive.  If she just wanted attention she could drive with her baby in her lap,  shave her head, and check in and out of rehab several times.  It worked for Brittany.

  3. Yeah, she's insane and would make a horrible president!

  4. Sadly there are far too many people that are incapable of seeing through her.  Don’t think its attention though, I think its for power!

  5. Obviously as many as it took to get her this far.

  6. yes, she is a socialist, power monger who only cares about herself and her own agenda.

  7. I know she is a powermad fool/no arguments here..insane?..yeah..probably

  8. I think she's out for attention too! Notice that lately, she's been crying a lot?? Pick me, pick me boooo hoooo

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