
How many people out there are crazy like me and want to change the world for the better?

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How many people out there are crazy like me and want to change the world for the better?




  1. million and everybody

  2. where not crazy were practical. If the world don't change it's way's soon,their isn't going to be much of a world left.

  3. Present

  4. I'm crazy like you! Let's do it! One random act of kindness at a time.

  5. My hand is up. Unfortunately alone we are not enough. I also feel that some people who very involved can also do damage so it has to be a happy medium.

    Think of the activists who cause harm and make threats to get things to change. Two wrongs dont make a right.

    We need to turn a blind eye some times but when ever we can we should speak out on behalf of the animals etc which cant do it for themselves.

    I do as much charity as i can. Recycle and have a good eco system at home. Maybe if we all do our bit we can change the world.

  6. Is it just me or has anyone else out there noticed that mike answers questions that were not asked.

    If he has been involved in environmental concerns for 45 years he should look at the world with an open mind not a mind like a bear trap

    Chill mike

    Alternative fuels do work only the Oil & Electricity magnates want the world to stay the way its because they are raking in billions

    They are starting to get a little nervious to see their  grip on the cash in your pocket slipping from their reach

    Lets save the world one step at a time

    and say to h**l with the disbelivers

  7. sorry, its just you all alone and crazy..

    how sad, how un original.

  8. Everyone wants to change the world for the beter.

    The challenge is actually being able to accomplish that.

    I saw another recent post of yours which asked how many people want free fuel.

    Of course everyone would like free fuel. Everyone would like a free lunch too.

    I have been involved in the environmental movement for over  45 years. I have seen many free fuel scams.

    Most of those scams only took people for small amounts of money.

    Some of the scams took people for large amounts of money. In some cases their life savings.

    When you propose a scheme to change the world for the better it is very important to make certain that the change that you are promoting will actually make the world a better place.

    Without more information on what it is that you are promoting it is difficult for me to give you any help.

    My experience with people who use questions like yours that suggest some wonderful new possibility without giving the details are usually just promoting some recycled scam that has been around on one form or another for the past forty or fifty years.

    That is especially true with the free fuel scam.

    (edit) to Dreamweaver.

    A Troll who calls himself Dreamweaver has been posting false and defamatory information abour me.

    Dreamweaver is promoting a device for you car called a hydrogen generator.

    This is a scam that has been around for at least 45 years.

    The hydrogen generator was a popular scam when I started in the Environmental movement over 45 years ago.

    I have seen people in the Environmental movement who just wanted to invest in something that would help the Environment, lose anywhere from small amounts of money to their life savings to the promoters of this scam.

    I am amazed that this scam is still around.

    The scam generally takes one of two forms.

    The first and most destructive form is a "pump and dump" scam for penny stocks. The promoter tells this amazing story about a hydrogen generator for you car that produces no emissions and doubles your gas mileage.

    The company that supposedly owns the patent will wipe out the oil industry and make hundreds of Billions of dollars in the process. The investors are promised the chance to get in on the ground floor and make millions.


    The stock is worthless, but the story sounds so good that many good people have invested large amounts of money, in some cases their life savings in this phony worthless stock.

    This destroys people and ruins lives.

    The second form which is less destructive but is still annoying is where the promoter has you send him anywhere between $50 to $100 for a set of worthless plans for this device.

    Or the promoter will offer to sell you the device for $200 or $300 or so.

    Unfortunately the device does not work. It was never intended to work. The device is merely designed to steal your money.

    If you see someone offering to sell you stock, the device or the plans for the device please do not give them any money.

    I have seen too many people who have lost money over the years to this scam.


  9. Me.

  10. me!!!

  11. I've already began... what are you waiting for?????

  12. Me. We drive electric cars charged with solar energy. We have tried to implement as much "greening" into our lifestyle as is possible, even when it costs more than "conventional methods". "Convention" is presently killing us, and it's also killing lots of people in other countries as we conquer the world in our insatiable lust for more oil.

    I drag a trailer behind the bike when I go to the grocery store. When the typical Escalade driver snickers, I usually say something along the lines of: "You know, there's really only one difference between this bike and your car- when I get off this bike, it has made me stronger. When you get out of your car, it has made you weaker...and your a** is probably wider than my trailer".

    Every day I pray for $10/gal. gasoline, just for people that drive Escalades.

  13. Heaps! I even changed my job to start a Solar energy shop in Greece and The Netherlands!

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