
How many people out there don't know what 69 is? (not meant to be a dirty question)?

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I just found out about "69" last week. (Someone told me.) Well, anyway, I had NO idea that a number could refer to something sexual, so I was just wondering if there's anyone else who either doesn't know what 69 means or prefers to have numbers just be numbers.




  1. i found out because someone was talking to my teacher about drinks at restrauants and he said " s*x on the beach" and then the teach was like omg how do u know about that and he was like i read the drink menu and the teacher asked how many kids read the drink menu and everyone raised there hands and then his friend was like 69 and then shes like omg u know that and then i asked my friend in the class and she told  me

  2. That was one of the first things I learned about s*x

  3. I prefer numbers to be numbers, but 69, the dirty, is awsome, if you like to give and receive at the same time, which, why wouldn't you

  4. Yeah, it's the number that the insecure horny kid on your high school football team always picks.

  5. I didn't find out until I moved schools and started to hang out with a differnt group of friends....I was either 14 or 15 and it was in grade 9.

  6. Well I do... It involves 2 people, their "genitals" and their tounge lol...

  7. it can mean two things,1.turning head  to toe to be intimate,just look closely at the numbers and you will see that they look like two sixes but one of them is turn upside down to make a nine.2. if you want to turn it into something else less grown,you could put a star* in front of the numbers 69 and that will tell you the last person that called your phone number and hang up without saying hello.

  8. I knew what that was since I was 7.

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