
How many people out there have an autisitc child??

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how many of you have children with autism

what are your children like and how old are they

im only askin out of curiosity, my autisitc daughter is 6 and amazes me everyday, i have read all about it books, so i just wanted to know how your own children are




  1. My nine year old son has Asperger's Syndrome. He is for the most part like any other nine year old, but he has a bit of trouble learning new things, and he has some of the worst tempers I've seen, he craves consistency and organization and can't stand it otherwise.  

  2. 2 on my street 3 on my sisters street.....somethings wrong !!!

  3. My brother has Autism, he's almost 20.

    When he was younger he was very difficult, and as he wasnt diagnosed until his teens we found it very confusing.

    he would be difficult to control when he got in a mood, he stopped going to school for about 2years.

    When we moved to Wales, he was put back into school, but this time it was better, He was doing his GCSEs i think he only did three but he got As for all i believe. He is very clever. In september he is off to Uni.

    He has progressed alot. We know how to handle him now. And pluss, he spoils me.


    Hes nice, And very smart.

  4. well the 1 in 150 seems incorrect on my block of 14 homes there are 2 children that are autistic in my neighborhood

  5. Hi Hun my twin son Thomas pictured with his twin sister left was diagnosed with severe autism at aged 3 he is 10 now nonverbal and still in nappies, he has just interacted with me for 10 minutes and it was amazing ...he tries so hard to talk and coming on so well ..take a look at Thomas on Youtube xx

  6. My neighbor has a son with autism.  He is 16 years old now.  He is very outgoing (almost a little too outgoing) and funny.  He loves video games, its pretty much all he talks about.  And he talks a lot.  If you can get him on a different subject he has a lot of interesting things to say.  He is very bright.  He just passed his written drivers test.  He is going behind the wheel on Sunday.

    I volunteered in a home/school for disabled children in India.  Many of the children there were autistic.  They were extremely low functioning due to lack of resources and care.  It was heartbreaking.  

    Also, my twin brother has traumatic brain injury.  It a lot of ways his injury  is very similar to autism.  He has a lot of the same mannerisms and thought patterns.  He is 21 and doing really well.  He lives at a group home down the street from my apartment, has a job, reads books, walks places by himself, and he is an exceptional piano/keyboard player.  

  7. My nephew is 12 years old and he has autism. His name is Ryan and he amazes me everyday. We visit him a lot because me and my oldest brother (his daddy) are very close. Everytime I see him he has learned something new. Even though he is not very social he still loves to sit and talk about science. When I got pregnant with Karsyn, Ryan explained to me exactly how she got inside of me and even knew what was happening to me in my exact week of pregnancy (all from watching a documentary on it once).

  8. my cousin is autistic

    he is 6

    he's really smart and learns really fast

    the only thing is that he's really hyper and loud

  9. My step-son is autistic. He also has ADHD. So for him. He repeats questions over and over again even if you answered them 1 minute ago. He'll even repeat them days later. His attention span is short. He fights us on everything.

    He is 8 years old and acts like he is 5. It's hard for him in school. There are very few teachers that can reach him. He needs time to process questions before he answers them.

    But he is also very lovable and says he loves his dad and I many times a days. Then he'll hate us when he gets in trouble...

    He doesn't like to go to bed alone. (that could be his gp's fault tho) He doesn't eat much.

    We love him though. Just hang in there.

  10. My son is five now and was diagnosed with PDD NOS (high functioning autism) at age 2.

    He's a wonderful boy.  The most loving, affectionate and gentle boy.  I"m lucky.  He's actually doing great socially, and never had any repetitive behaviors.  Our main issue with him is speech and language.  Its delayed, and he definitely has some kind of a speech and language disorder that all his doctors are still somewhat baffled about.  He definitely had auditory processing issues, word retrieval issues, etc..... They actually want to take away his PDD NOS diagnosis, but are not really sure what "diagnosis" to give him now.

  11. my son has severe autism+ADHD+ severe learning disabilities will be 13 this weekend and he is non verbal but is a very happy cheeky devil and always enjoys what ever he does and no doubt will go far!!! what ever he does, especially with his constant butter wouldnt melt smile??

  12. My sister has Aspergers and NLD.

    She is obsessed with horses, is legal age now, but is not able to go and live on her own.

  13. I am  a 19yo with Asperger's.  My "special interests" are the stock market and electronics, particularly ones with lcd screens.  I really want the new iphone.  I am currently attending Penn State Harrisburg and double majoring in Computer Science and Finance.  

  14. My friend has assbergers which is a type of autism, she is nearly 13 and she is very smart, but sometimes she can have a bit of a an obsession with things.

  15. Hi ya!

    My Brother is Autistic he is 19 now and he was diagnosed with a server type (do not know what type exactly as i was 3 1/2 years when this was) he is doing fantastic. he finished school with 2 g.c.s.e's ( it was a special school) he has gone to a special boarding collage that is teaching him to live independently as well as normal lesions. They take his shopping for his own food, encourage personal hygiene, and just let him find out what he likes and dislikes. He loves it and because its boarding school he thinks he lives away  and comes home for a holiday its really good for him. Next year he is going to less supervised college that he will be expected to support himself a lot more although help is always available if he needs it.

    He is nearly fully independent and the doctors thought he would not walk, talk or be completely bed ridden. he does have trouble socially but the school and the family are trying to help him with that. he can ask some inappropriate questions to strangers and the rather private things about himself (this can be very embarrassing!)

    But my Brother is the most fantastic person i know he is funny energetic and so charming he really is a like an old fashioned gentleman! some people still try to treat him like child unfortunately this is our parents but i think he is an adult and a wonder-full one at that he is a great  brother and as my children put it a very cool uncle

  16. I have a 9-1/2 yr old daughter that has autism, and she to amazes me on a daily basis.  I've written extensively about her recently, so I'll just post links to all the questions where I've discussed her.    

    It's not often that you find a girl on the spectrum!;...;...;...

  17. I have a nephew who is Autistic.

    He is in his twenties now.

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