
How many people...?

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are going to be flooding these rooms in December 2012???




  1. The card represents the critical factor for the issue at hand. Five of Science (Division): Feeling overwhelmed and unable to focus on the whole problem. Being unable to cut yourself loose. Being mentally hung up. Personal entanglements. Intellectually split. Divided loyalties. Inaction through indecision. In the creative process: Caught in your own net of plans or scheme. Divide the problem into smaller segments for greater freedom of action.

  2. i dnt think i'll be here

  3. it will be 2012 somewhere first b4 it is where i live. I live in canada and australia will abe  aday ahead of me..if the world didnt end for them then i think i wont worry about it ending for me either. BTW, as a medium I know taht the world will not is the begining of a spiritual awakening-death is symbolic for change.

  4. Heh, they won't be on here, they'll be in the basement. With their duct tape.

  5. i swear the next person to ask about 2012 and if its the end of the world will die by my hand: death by um-bongo.
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