
How many people realize that Obama Hillary.....?

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It wont make a differance who gets in power. It is the people behind the scenes that control America and it always will be . Open your eyes people and stop wasting your time thinking it matters who gets into "power".

PS: Enough with the Obama Hillary questions. IT DOESN"T MATTER!




  1. Go to a different section of yahoo answers if your tired of the obama questions. Its what I do when i need a break from this section. I keep coming back because its easy points and I am trying to get to level 5.

    Yes its the behind the scenes people but the figurehead will be Obama.

    Vote Obama

  2. who care's about level 55555555 just  say what u feelllllllllll

  3. This is what happens when people take the right to vote for granted.

  4. I agree with you that it doesn't matter who gets into office, but what really gets me is that people actually think their vote counts. Our electoral college votes however they want to anyway, regardless of what the constituants think.

    If we really wanted to fix our country, we'd just say to h**l with the gov't, but they've got us so brainwashed that the few people who tried to speak out would be considered terrorists and be locked up. Ah, that's patriotism for ya... going along with whatever the higher ups say...

  5. That is why we need change in Washington. We have been stagnated with the same bunch of clowns in Washington for the past 15 years, Voters have the chance this year to help bring about a new government for America. Unfortunately we do not have really great candidates on either side but we do have some who have not been a part of the Washington circus for the past 15 years.

  6. "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss"

    The Who - "Won't get fooled again"

  7. Our rights are being taken away all the time, and we dont control America anymore. The gov. controls what we do.

  8. most people are afraid to say you are right , they are living a dream that 2 lawyers aka salemen tell them so whoever gets in means same story different puppets

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