
How many people really look at the answers?

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I have noticed that most answers get "VOTED" on by readers, rather than being picked by the 'Asker." I wonder, does that mean that many (most) of the Askers don't ever look back to see what the answers were? I see some good information floating around this site (some BS, too) but if nobody reads it, why answer?




  1. I always read the question, then read the answers that are already there and then I answer, or thumbs up an answer that is really close to what I would have said, and thumbs down bad answers and report even worse. Then, I look back at answers that were given while I wrote mine, and vote/report accordingly.

    I know that I've asked something a couple times and then couldn't get back to my computer until a voted answer was already chosen ( very frustrating)

  2. I always read all the answers, but i find it hard to choose a best.  I use all the information given to me in the answers.

  3. Maybe the Askers can't decide which answers are the best so they just leave it for the voters to pick.

  4. i read them.

  5. yes you no teas,good,

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