
How many people remember life before e-mail and cell phones?

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I do! It's fun to think back on all the things that we're so dependent on now that we didn't have 30 years ago. One of the first jobs I applied for in the late 70's was demonstrating new Automatic Teller Machines! In the early 80's I demonstrated video games when they were just electronic ping pong! My cousin had a cell phone in the early 90's that was about the size of a tennis shoe and we all thought he was so cool! I even remember when there were only 3 channels on TV!




  1. No I don't remember but I am only 19. Would I rather live without it all? Yes, I think it forced people to use their brains more than they do now.

  2. i remember those days very well. our first tv was in (((ooh))) 1956, and was about as big as your washing machine is. screen was not very big but the box it took to house all the components was very large, and all b/w then. they weighed a ton because of all those tubes, etc., that it took to run them. but hey! we got to see lucy and desi, dean and jerry (martin & lewis), ed sullivan, loretta young and jane wyman. on ed sullivan we got to see elvis and the beetles. WOW!

    and i don't remember hearing of even ONE report of mass murder in schools or places of business.

    it was a time that a parent was not considered an abuser if he/she beat your butt when you needed it, or grounded you for bad grades or home rule infractions. it was not called "tough love", it was just LOVE.

    we barely had ONE telephone in our house, much less one in every room of our home and/or our pocket/purse.

    those were the days!!! however, i would not want to go back and trade in all the modern technology we have now. i LIKE my computer and cell phone, and the "big screen" tv's we have now. i like my washer and dryer in the laundry room and my dishwasher, i like the modern medicine we take for granted these days.

    it would be nice, however, to see NOW some of the family values we had then.

    remember the old saying "no amount of money could buy from me, the memories i have of then, but nothing could make me want to go back and do it again".

    this is most likely a lot more than you wanted to hear. SORRY!

  3. I remember, but we didn't know any better. We thought our 8 track tape players were  the groovyist. I still have my old 8 track deck in my garage. I don't think it works though. I recall the 3 channels. That sucked and everything went off the air at midnight.

  4. Life was good then. Did you watch your 3 channels on B&W TV or color? How about the rabbit ears? ha ha ha . Did you have to get up to change the channel? I do indeed miss those days. And the family that I had as well.

  5. Life in those was great, we had alot time to spend with other people, now we spend with the gadgets.

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