
How many people ski???

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Hi. I am writing a research paper on ski and I would be greatful if you help me. The statistics I am searching for is how many people ski. I will be happy even if you give me a site with statistics. Thanks...




  1. i want to ....

  2. I once asked my travel agent what proportion of their business was winter sports.  They estimated 5-10%, and that's just of those who can afford to take package holidays.

  3. Contact the Ski Industries Association, they will have more statistics than most. Also contact the main Ski magazines, the statistics are always 2-3 years old and rough estimates at that. In the Seattle area, population about 2 million, any weekend will see more than 150,000 skiers and snowboarders on the Alpine slopes. This is a high ratio since many will go for the weekend.

  4. be more specific? How many ski in america? In canada? In montana?

  5. I avidly ski whenever I can.  I am unopposed to snowboarding, have dated several (even semi-pro's w/ big sponsors who've given me equipment for no apparent reason), and tend to hang w/ them more on the mountain than skiiers.  Honestly, it's a passion level.  I truly love skiing & taking a day on the mountain off my skis is not of any value to best interest.  Hope that helps somehow.

  6. Water ski? Snow ski? What countries? Please be more specific!

  7. i just snowboard and wakeboard.

    no snow or water skiing for me.
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