
How many people still play Battle Field 2:Modern Combat for Xbox 360?

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I'm wondering how many people are actualy online at any given time...because I'm thinking of buying the game again but I'm afraid nobody will still play it....




  1. I still play it off and on.  I alternate between that and CoD4

  2. I have it for the original xbox and (I just checked) there are NO servers on right now, perhaps with 360live you'll have a better chance...wish I had a 360 thou =(

    Its all about online, the singleplayer was just plain annoying...not a bad game overall but I'll rather play battlefield 2 for pc

    Good Luck!


  3. No that game really sucks man , just get 60 bucks and Battle Field Bad Company it much better and everyone plays that !!! including me although the online is nuts , you never now where the snipers are , theres tanks and helicopters everywhere . And the Story is pretty good !

    Gamertag : Niker79

    i play Rock band ,cod 4 and Bad Co.  

  4. My brother only just brought it yesterday :) In the Game preowned sale, it was tenner and he got Medal of Honour half price :)

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