
How many people support Bush? How much percent of the American people?

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0 LIKES UnLike I think the problem Zawahiri may have here is that, wherever he and al Qaeda attacks in America (hopefully they won't), they may kill alot of anti-bush people!

Then again there's no differenc,e as long as they're a democracy who have the freedom to reject certain overseas policies and protest against them, even go on tax strike coz of how much Israel costs US taxpayers.

"Since the US is a democracy, the people bear responsibility for the government's actions. Thus, civilians are fair targets". Bin Laden in his 2002 letter to America




  1. too many

  2. I do!  I may not agree with everything he does (like that'd ever happen, no matter WHO is president, right???), but I believe he's a good man doing a VERY tough job.  I wouldn't want it!

  3. 20% are still deluded.

  4. More support Bush than the Democrat led Congress.  I have several issues i do not support Bush on. But i make informed intelligent decisions based on face. The left make wild accusations based on feelings and anger over losing elections years ago.

  5. 39% support Bush. That number will go up with the current success of the surge in Iraq.

  6. i, for one, can't stand the little wannabe dictator and i'm an american. his approval rating is about 30% which is way too high for him

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