
How many people think Obama gives good speeches?

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When I watch obama speak I feel like I'm in a church listening to an evangelical preacher however instead of talking about lifting people up, he (Obama) talks about all the hand outs he will give to lazy people. Google a Rev. wright speech and then google a obama speech. anyone else scared?




  1. too much rose petals to his speeches. I like a speech that is close to reality and rational. I hate those preachers wannabe that make you believe everything will be fine and we can all live in peace and harmony with growth, health, wealth and security. That is the biggest load of c**p i ever heard. Obama talks as if he had found the secret to men's behavior, greed, power grab, selfishness and ego centrism.

    No sense.

  2. In Thursday's speech, he talked extensively about people taking responsibility.

    Pay attention.

    The Republicans are giving $ billions in handouts to the rich. Are you OK with that?

  3. No just you.  You are alone in your hysteria and delusion.

  4. good speeches doesn't mean he can act on anything

    but yes, he does give good speeches.

  5. He's scary.  He wants to take wealthy people's money to give to some fat asses who sit on their couch all day collecting wellfare

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