
How many people think china cheated in the Olympics and should be striped of all there metals and removed ?

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They lyed on some of the girls ages. they were to young to be in the olympics




  1. Yes, they did cheat, there's documented proof. I think the UNDERAGE ones should be stripped of their medals, not the ones who are legit. However, I also think its unfair that women who had routines with huge mistakes received scores that weren't even mathematically possible to win medals they didn't earn.

    Chen Fe fell on vault, for example, automatic .8 deduction, at least .3 for the error itself, and .3 for an incomplete skill. Add that to any form errors, etc. there is no way she should have medaled. These Olympics are going down as a laughing stock.

    And yes, I agree Marion Jones deserved to lose her medals. There si documented proof fo their ages and dates of birth, do you not think its entirely possible for the Chinese government, who controls how many breaths their athletes take, to make a fake GOVERNMENT issued document? If you followed the sport at all, didn't just decide to argue and jump on the gymnastics bandwagon, it would be blatantly obvious what's going on here.

    And seriously, cut it out with anti-american nonsense, you don't even know where the poser of this question is from. And OBVIOUSLY they meant in gymnastics, are you retarded?Fact is fact, and its been pointed out repeatedly. Do some research than run your mouth. You must be embarrased of how stupid you sound.

    Obbytoo- Based on what you're saying, a passport is printed press. I've been involved in this sport, on an international level. I've been around it for 23 years, this is nothing new, its nothing limited to China, but please don't be so naive. Don't you remember the last Olympics where the Chinese ADMITTED they had used underage competitors? Is it really that hard for you to use google before you say something stupid? You clearly know nothing about this situation.

  2. who cares the olympics are over

  3. They did not cheat!

  4. well, they didn't cheat for all their medals, but there was something definitely weird going on.

  5. provide proof.. okay so some, a small number of.. medals  have been questioned... if.. and only if.. this is PROVEN.. and it has not yet been be the case... does this really mean ALL that countries  medals should be stripped as a result?..  because one discipline may.. and I emphasize may... have done wrong...does this, by extension mean... that all of a countries athletes should subject to this form of discipline?

    for example, where countries such as the USA, who have been proven to be doping (=cheating)  in .. say.. track and field.. ie Marion Jones from the usa...does this mean all athletes who competed from that country in those games should be stripped of all past medals because of her individual  misdemeanor .. get real... yes the individuals should be investigated, and the relative sporting body responsible for the administrastion of that sport should be held responsible if found guilty.... but the whole country subject to discipline and stripped of all medals as a result of an individual act within a particular sport.. no..  

  6. How is that cheating?

    Ok lets say they were under aged, we got no evidence. But out wait cheating is having an ``UNFAIR`` advantage, and what was that.... nothing. the Chinese have puberty late ,and grow slower then Caucasians, would not even make much of a difference if they were 17.

    but really if you guys were saying that the Chinese were under age, this makes you guys look worst, Oh no, you got beaten by pubescence girls aha...ahahha....

  7. Only those who are bitter.

    1) The girls were in fact of legal age, it is you who need to read the news.

    2) You are jealous. There's really no arguing it, you're pathetic and cannot stand to see yourself beaten and need to come up with every excuse possible to discredit others.

  8. I don't know, how many people are really that bitter?

  9. Even if they were 12 years old, how is that bad? I think it just makes it even more amazing. 12 years old and being the best in the world?!?! I would never take a gold medal away from a little girl who earned that at such a young age.

  10. Um, can you actually prove anything?  I live in America, and I know that wouldn't even be possible unless you have solid proof.

  11. You can take their 'metals' I don't really think they would care. As long as you don't take their medals, which they earned. All you are trying to do is get Americans mad at the world, and the world mad at the US. There is no proof they cheated in anyway.

  12. Who cares? The Olympics are a game. Literally.

  13. NO. Maybe after the investigators find some proof and there are alot of sports where China deserved their medals like diving and table tennis

  14. i reckon ey! well first some of the opening ceremony was not real what cheapo's ya know, i mean what else would they do.

    although they may have just had a lucky streak and remember the're used to the smog we're not.

  15. why u think like this.  

  16. Proof?

    Oh, that's right, you have NONE!


  17. The media's all S*$#

  18. lol, somebody thinks the grapes are sour...

  19. China deserves their metals.

  20. Before you complain you should do some research. China has ALWAYS been good at the sports they got gold in so no surprise.

    Same goes otherwise that the Chinese aren't (and shouldn't be) suspicious about the golds Britain won in the cycling.

    The Beijing games are known to be the most advanced games to recent date because of the use of new technology in screening the doped.

    As for the "under aged" girls that's just second-hand information from the press. Looking under-aged doesn't mean they are biologically under-aged.

  21. for me the whole Olympics need to be shut down   i not seen one Olympic player that been playing right in the right way ! kick boxers kicking  official, one toss his medial and  acting very childish due to they was not gold I feel sorry for the children watching this sport events  not one  is acting like Honorable  Olympian at all .

  22. isn't that sad that youre crying because your country got beat by kids?

    I can note 4 different events where AMERICAN athelets were stripped of medals because substances were found in their systems...which would label them cheaters.

  23. Truths are based FACTS and facts need PROOF!!! Stfu!!! You were only talking about the gymnastics why should you then conclude that they should be stripped of all their medals?!

    Marion Jones used steroids, so the USA should be stripped of all their medals from the Sydney games??? Your logic is not right!!! You better just shut up!

  24. you yanks are just jealous course they beat you..... yeah ok, who am i kidding.. it was the biggest scam to this date in human history

  25. I have no idea how many sad and petty people would agree with your flawed logic.

    Hopefully not very many.  

  26. are u just jealous?

  27. None?

  28. "Think"?

    You did not "think".  You never "think"!

    This is just another China-bashing propaganda implanted into your tiny brain by the mainstream media.

    Oh and to that dude who said "document Proof"....    A web site article is NOT a "document proof"!  A news  article is NOT a "document proof"!   Another brainwashed China hater's comment is NOT a "document proof" whether or not he was talking on the internet or on the TV!

    The only REAL "document proof" is held by the Chinese government!   Just like yours is held by the American government!

    It was also funny see many Americans (in other topics) brought up "I don't believe these little girls can drive!   Just show how little you know about the things outside your own country.   While Americans' legal driving age is 16,  it is (18) for Chinese.  Do you want to know why?

    Besides the "questionable" gymnastic, there is nothing they can do to cheat.  Can you cheat on finish line in a race?  Can you cheat on how your bullets fly in a shooting?  Can you cheat on the weight you lift? Not to mention the beach do you cheat in that???  etc...

    I am sure (if) Michael Phelps was a Chinese, then we would be hearing massive screaming of "He was on drug!"....or even "He is a genetic engineered mutated from communist lab!"... all kinds of crazy pathetic moronic trash talking.

    What a bunch of losers whose tiny brains will believe in every garbage their mind controlling media tells them.

  29. I think a lot of people think China cheated.  We all know they did, but I don't think that they will ever prove it...But I think they will get what's coming to them.

  30. Only some fanatics I guess.

  31. Let it rest and get a life please!

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