
How many people think that.....?

by  |  earlier

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..... cop car officers who use their "blues ' n' twos" are just in a hurry to get to the polis office for their R&R




  1. I do and I see it everyday.......................

  2. i was in a cue at the traffic lights going straight ahead but,stopped short of a box junction and the police tooted the siren ,so i had to enter the box  to let them past ,then they turned the siren off ,leaving me on the box after they had turned left

  3. I think it's worse...they do it if you report an assault or robbery in progress, so the bad guys hear the sirens and leg it, then when the cops arrive all they need to do is take statements instead of having to struggle with nasty men.

  4. If a police officer is seen with their lights on and they have not responded to a call, they may be fired.

  5. iduno. i've definitley seen it happen.

  6. Either that or heading up to the local McDs for their lunch!

  7. Sorry pal,thats gone straight over my stupid old head.

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