
How many people think that the lottery is 'rigged" or set up for people to lose their money?

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I play sometimes, but most of the time I never really play based on the fact that if someone DOES win, it's someone who already knows the numbers because they operate the machine or one of the employees with the lottery all play amongst themselves and make sure they win all the time. Kind of like sweepstakes with companies, where the employees are digging in and opening tickets to see if they won. Dirty internal business similiar to Enron, and Tyco, and anything else you can think of...Bush and Florida elections, Bush and oil too. LOL Anyway what do you think?




  1. i dont actualy think that it is rigged i do think that it is set up to give out the winning ticket out every so many ticket buys.........besides thats a waste of money

  2. I think that people who claim it to be rigged are pretty naive, quite frankly.

    Think about what you are suggesting.  That a group of people control who wins and keep it in the family so to speak.  Now imagine the amounts of money we are talking about, often in the hundreds of millions.  What are the odds, human nature being as it is, that at no point has anyone every become disgruntled or feel that they didn't get their fair cut.  Why wouldn't such a person go to the media.

    Sooner or later someone always blows the whistle.  Throw in scandal and millions of dollars, it's just so hard to believe that a fairly large group of people have been able to sit on such a massive scandal for such a long period of time.

  3. no,i don't think it's rigged.I buy lottery and consider myself pretty lucky.I'm just waiting to hit the powerball or biggame "wish for me" as for buying scratch tickets buy the ones that jump out,and stand out to u the most.also try buying them when u feel happy or really good mood or lucky,it's usually when i win.

  4. I KNOW that the lottery is set up for people to lose their money.  I wouldn't go so far as to say it is "rigged" but by definition, "gambling" is designed for the "house" to win.  Over time, if you gamble long enough, you will lose money.  If the state wasn't raking in money hand over fist, they wouldn't have set it up in the first place.  It was designed to generate income for the state.   Now I am not saying that people don't win occasionally, but in the long run, unless you are one of the lucky few that wins big, you will lose money.  Do the math.

  5. It's not rigged, the odds against you are just enormous.  It's simple math.

    What are your "facts" about who wins based on?  Usually when I see a winner on TV it's some factory worker living in a crappy house or a trailer park.

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