
How many people think that united states current war is wrong or unjustfull & where do these people come fr?

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How many people think that united states current war is wrong

or unjustfull & where do these people come from.




  1. Most of the world thinks that the US is the greatest threat faced by mankind - this was the result of a recent international survey.

    Caninele.. I don't know where you get your information - perhaps the brothers Grimm.  Saddam was installed by US/UK and supported by the US to impose sectarian repression on Iraq.  The specific purpose was to suppress the mainly s**+'ite south and thus constitute a wedge between the s**+'ite majorities in Iran and the oil-rich area of Saudi Arabia.  

    Saudi Arabia, main sponsor of GWB, the GOP and al Qaeda and the main contributor of 9/11 perpetrators. has been steadfastly supported, as an extremely repressive Islamic fundamentalist dictatorship, by the US.

    The UN has been hamstrung for a number of years by the US - a permanent security council member - failing to pay its dues and ignoring, as the most prolific purveyor of terror on the planet and member of the US/Israeli axis of evil, countless UN resolutions against continuation of terrorist action by them.  It is no coincidence that neither of them, as the world's worst terrorists, accepts the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice or the International Criminal Court.  Look it up if you don't believe me.

    I am from usually US allied NZ.

  2. which war?

    war on drugs?

    war on poverty?

    war on terrorism?

  3. They are the children of the people who spit on returning Vietnam vets.

  4. I would think about 65% or more think this war is wrong and unustified. They come from every walk of life and are known as the silent majority.

  5. There are always some: even WW II had it US detractors.  Usually these are urban dwellers who have never really experienced the American dream due to the overcrowding caused deterioration in mental health and fairly useless elitists like university professors.  We in the USA are our own worst enemies as we have little perseverance.  Terrorists know that all they have to do kill a few people, work the press, and the American public will self destruct by electing in a pandering politician who promises and end to the conflict no matter how horrid the consequences.  All thy need to do is wait us out.

    Where does this "buddy/buddy" nonsense come from?  Iraq under Sadam was a Soviet ally and while the US did not oppose them in their war with the greater evil (Iran), it was never a friendly relationship.  Think Great Britain and the Soviet Union during WW II - not fighting each other but absolutely not trusting each other and doing covert things to hurt each other.  Things returned to normal once the Iraq/Iran war ended and went hostile when Iraq invaded Kuwait.

    The war ended five years ago but it was neither wrong nor unjust.  Inaction by the moribund UN on its own mandates forced the US and allies to act to enforce them.  Currently, about half oppose the war but it seems like a lot more because political correctness in so rampant.  Many just say nothing rather then have some red-faced, ear-steaming idiot jump all over them for saying what they believe.

  6. We are actually policing Iraq and Afghanistan to maintain peace there so they can establish a peaceful Govt.

  7. The irony of life is that people will support a war as long as none of their kids or relatives die in the war.

    When the casualties come in, the protest will begin.

  8. Me.I'm from Ireland.It was bullshit from the very start.Saddam was  America's buddy while they 'needed' him.Sat quiet while he commited atrocities,sold him arms,shook his hand let him think it was o.k. to strike Kuwait for drilling in their land.He read it wrong as America had moved on to phase two and like they'd always planned and the time was right using this bogus war on terror and lies about WMD they went in for the kill.What did they gain?A strangle hold for the forseeable future on Iraqi oil and Military bases in Iraq conveniently positioned beside their real target Iran.

    Didn't all go to plan though did it?Why?Because they're S**t at guerilla warfare,infact they're c**p at war full stop.They even turned up late for WW2 and tried to claim the glory when everyone knows the Russians won that one..

  9. i dont think it is

    i dont know why so many people want to pull out

    we all agreed to go to war with iraq

    quit being hypocrits

  10. It was right to go in and remove Sadam, and nobody can argue that, what with all the mass graves, and his killing of his own people, and his invading another country.

    The problem came with the aftermath of the war. We did handle it pretty badly, and well we should have known more about the culture before we went in. However it wasn't as bad as the media made it out to be. The looting wasn't nearly as bad as was reported, but then never trust the media, they tend to believe anybody and then hide behind the first amendment rather than admit fault.

    But the new war is going extremely well, Patreus is the best thing that could have happened and there is very little violence in the country right now, and Iraq's leaders are asking to take control of their future.

    The debate should no longer be whether we should have gone in, but it should be about whether we should finish what we started and how we can leave Iraq a better place than it is right now. And it is pretty nice right now.

  11. We only went there because they bombed us but now we want to pull out because it just seems like we're poking our noses in where they don't belong. and a lot of people of tired of it. and international news stations are saying that it is wrong which gets to the people

  12. Neither right or's called a WAR!!!

    Wars take a long time to resolve especially

    when people are unwilling to compromise

    nor negotiate.

    I am at WAR with a Woman in authority

    who is fixed in her ways of thinking, and

    won't compromise..........that's not positive....

    it is always better to compromise....................

    ....and it is a choice also

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