I can't stand seeing people put side-reins on horses when they have no idea what they are doing. A side-rein is designed to teach a horse how to use his old muscles and to school him along the way. I'm honestly curious how many people think side reins are designed to force a horse into a collected/rounded frame for the first time? Side-reins on a beginning horse (which is how I establish muscle on horses, instead of having to figure out how to carry themselves this new way AND a person) are so loose that when the horses head is up, they feel a bit more contact, and when they drop down into the long+low frame they feel appropriate contact. You NEVER force a horse into a frame, EVER. When putting sidereins on an experienced horse, you start out loose enough they are free to move long and low and then tighten slowly during the workout. Sidereins are designed to be a steady contact the horse can rely on - and I don't care how steady a human is, we can't be as steady and reliable.. (cont)