
How many people went to jail because freedom of speech?

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what i'm looking for are topic on freedom of speech




  1. uncountable!

  2. All depends which country you mean and how much freedom that country allows. For example it is against the law to promote hate in the UK, yet we do have a large degree of freedom of speech.  Yet how many worldwide have went to jail for the basic right to speak out of their Government - like in Zimbabwe with the MDC.

  3. There are some reporters who have gone to jail for refusing to divulge their sources.

    You have to remember, freedom of speech is only for government and their institutions.  It is not guaranteed in the work place, a place of business, private enterprises or homes.

    Some government places you do not have freedom of speech.  Prisons and jails.  Courtrooms, except under the authority of the judge.  Even your employment in a government work place.  You are still bound by certain ethics and code of conduct.

    Freedom of speech is fairly narrow and really only applies to government.  You can stand on a soap box on a street corner and make a speech about anything you want.  But if you do so and do not get a permit, in some jurisdictions, you can be arrested.

    The answer to your question, is few people have gone to jail in this day and age because of freedom of speech.  But many have lost their jobs, or been put in jail for contempt of court.

    This is in regards to the USA.  I fail to understand how some countries can say freedom of speech, but jail people for talking badly about others.  Albeit, I think racism and bigotry is wrong, it should be society that sets the standards in that regard, not government.

    I'm a very proud liberal.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  4. Don't think they went in for freedom of speech.

    Decode this lyrics " How we don't talk anymore"

    Mostly for faulty communication system with ghostly and deadly words.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy with rotten stench of empty skeleton of skull and bones of failures and horrors of the past from the grave yards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom .

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  5. Thousands of persons in the US have gone to jail for exercising their freedom of speech, especially when they used the right to express an unpopular option.

    One (of many) examples includes the suffragettes who fought for women's right to vote.

  6. hundreds of thousands. mostly unionists and socialists in the early 1900s

  7. Freedom of speech ? where did you get that old fairy story from '?.There is no such thing,especially not in the oppressed countries of the world.In Britain alone,you do not have freedom of speech,not while you have religious segregation,racial equallity boards promoting and inciting racism to stay in well paid jobs ,and various other factions who will see you in court if you venture an opinion or give an answer that does,nt suit them.THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREEDOM OF SPEECH,there are just varying degrees of tollerance.

  8. too many!its discracefull

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