
How many people were premature babies?

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I myself was born at 28 weeks, I was wondering if anyone else was born premature (how many weeks)? And if you have had children? Were there any problems? I am TTC and would like to hear of other peoples experiences. Thanks.




  1. i was a preemie at 26 weeks but im also a twin. i have been trying and had a miscarriage in june and were trying again, no luck yet though

  2. i'm a premmie along with my tiwn sister, we were born at 32 weeks i dont know how long we were in the NICU for but we were 3lbs 14oz (sister) and 2lbs (me), i did have many complications after birth and had to have 2 major opperations in my first 6 months of life. we are now 23 and both have a son each. i was told that because of the opperations i had i had a high chance of having a premmie myself, when i did have my son he was born 1 day after EDD but the Dr's now think he was about 2-3 weeks prem due to the size he was born and he was all skin and bone he was 6lbs 6oz.

  3. I was born 10 days early and because I was under 5lbs, I was technically a preemie, but these days, it would probably be different. I do know that the only problem was that I was very sick as a baby and the doctors claimed it something having to do with the temperature regulator in the brain not having fully developed.

    My oldest was 11 days early and at 71/2 lbs, not even close to being considered a preemie - times change. She was also a c-section because she was a breech, which is why she was born early.

    I have two friends who were 7 month preemies and as they are now either in or approaching their 50's and had full term pregnancies and healthy babies.

  4. My husband was premature and both of our children and very happy and healthy and were full term pregnancies.

  5. I don't know how many weeks, but I was 6 weeks premature.

    I don't, I'm 13

  6. I was a preemie. I think I was due around December 8-10ish and I was born on November 16. I was like 4 lbs, not sure on the oz.  

  7. Gosh I couldnt immagine being premature...

    I was born two weeks late :S lol

    My cousin was born 3 weeks early thats about it..then a family friend was born a month eaarly.

    He has to be in the NICU thing for 11days-then he gets to come home...

    When those babies decide they wanna come-they come with a  bang dont they!

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