
How many people will die of starvation throughout the world due to the food crisis in your opinion?

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If you can, please list specific countries with how many deaths you think will be caused. If you choose not to do that, then just say how many in total will die of starvation.

I am interested to hear your thoughts but the fact is, this current food crisis is going to get worse and is going to be very tragic for millions of people.




  1. LOL.

    Oh so now that your feeling the sting all those starving people are suddenly important.

    Man if that's what it takes to open people's eye's maybe it's not such a bad thing after all.

  2. What are we at now? 60 billion

    I'm going to say probably around.... 50 Billion over the next 30 years if we dont resolve our current energy crisis.... Mainly our oil crisis.

    See this graph,

    It shows the population BOOM of the last 100 years... Over the last 200 years we have increased the population over 60 times what it was for the previous thousands of years...

    Now look at this graph,

    See how the increased oil production models right along with our increased population?

    Thats because with the advent of modern fertilizers (which use natural gas, another fossil fuel that will soon be in decline), and the tractor, combustion engine, etc... which all run on oil, has enabled us as a population to increase the amount of work which can be performed within a given time frame.... The production of food went up right along with the population because of the availability of cheap readily availible oil....

    Now what do you think will happen when oil becomes expensive and not so readily availible?

    Do you think food production will drop?

    What about the cost of food?

    What will happen to those who can afford rising food costs?

    Want to see a picture that sums up just how much "energy" oil produces?

    Check out my blog for more info on Peak Oil, or just go research it yourself.


  3. I couldn't BEGIN to give you a number because I don't know how many will die.  

    Every species has a way of keeping itself in check.  Man is not immune to this type of phenomenon.  We need to allow nature to take it's course because all of our "modern" medical discoveries are keeping people alive who should have died before, during, or soon after their birth.  Cancer victims are living.  Diabetics are living.  People with failing organs are living with the help of dialysis.  It's INSANE!  

    If humans would just leave well enough alone, there might be enough food for the rest of the living!  I believe that the survival of the fitest is the best course for what is the sad fact of reality...death.

    Starvation isn't pretty.  Most people have never experienced more than 3 days going without food.  If everyone consumed less, there might be more to go around when it is needed.  Perhaps not.

    If crops can't grow, then nothing we do can save us or anyone else.  Weak, sick, starving, dying  people don't make very good farmers.  

    No rain means no crops.  

    No crops means no food.

    No food means people will die or have to get their food from another location at a great cost to them or settle for sub-standard giveaway foods from government agencies that will SUSTAIN their lives without giving them a future.

  4. Not if we stop using corn to fuel our cars.

  5. If you're refering to the price of food getting higher "due to using food for fuel" it isn't. The fact is, the use of corn in ethanol is simply an excuse for the processors to raise the cost. For those that say the cost of beef, for instance, is higher now because of the high cost of corn, you are mistaken. Go back and look at a market chart for the late 1980's. The price of beef was the same or higher than it is now. The price of corn was less than $3/bushel. The farmer/rancher doesn't set the price he/she receives for beef. They are told what they will be offered and they can take it or leave it. Same for corn and all other commodities. Transportation costs contribute the largest reason for the increase in food costs at the grocery store level. Take a $4 box of Corn Flakes. I'll be conservative and say that it takes two pounds of corn to produce 1 pound of corn flakes. If corn is $7.60/bushel, there is 27 cents of corn in that box of corn flakes.

    It has been said that 30% of the US corn crop is being diverted to ethanol production. Corn production this year will increase by about 30%.

    Grain markets trade more on weather at this time of year than production. The recent floods in the midwest caused grain prices to spike again, then the crop report came out this week and ALL grains were down the limit in the market.

    As for the "food crisis", it simply doesn't exist.

  6. The bulk of humanity...

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