
How many people will fight with the resistance against alien invasion and how many will join the aliens?

by  |  earlier

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Me, I'd join 'em and live. They blatantly got better weapons and sht, humans wouldn't stand a chance. Plus if you join within the first month they make you into a sweet killing machine with lasers and rockets and you get your own theme tune. Not to mention the free mind control. Yeah.




  1. Id pretend to join them, and use the newly granted mind control powers against them so they all commit suicide. Thats what careful thinking does for ya

  2. Join them? And betray your own human race? Just to live?

    Dude, you're the biggest coward I know. They probably won't even let you join them, probably just kill you.

  3. Would have to fight,

    think of all those lines you could use from the film Bad Taste.

    What are you dirty whores doing on my planet?

  4. id fight AGAINST them, if i die i die, nobody who isn't human ain't taking over the earth while I'm still alive ! ha ha

  5. It is not as easy to answer as you might think!Why?They are waiting to see which side Gordon Brown selects!Then they will select the opposite side!

  6. i will fight with a 50 kal barret sniper rifle sweet

  7. I would take out my lightsaber and cut them all to pieces.

    If anyone tried to mind controll me or anything I would force choke them

  8. I would join them.

    Unless they had french accents then I would kill all them f*****s.

  9. LIBERTY OR DEATH(fight)

    viva la resistance  

  10. have fun having s*x with their deformed bodies or should i say when they rape and inject it in from ur backside =)

    ill fight to the end, F**** aliens this is OUR planet

  11. i'd DEFINITELY  be against them no way would i betray my own people

    ya see i'm irish so us irish and great british no how it feels too be underdog's so i'd say every irish and great british man would be against them  

  12. the truth is out there

  13. jeez why can't everyone get along!

  14. I rather die no point when you arent even a alien and killing ur own race is disgusting.

  15. Aliens have landed?  Where??? I want to join!

  16. Dude , you need to educate yourself .

    It's called The Host . It's by Stephenie Meyer . Go outside your house . Go to this thing called a bookstore . Buy it . Read it . Then you will completely re-evaluate your question .

    As for how the question now stands, as far as i'm concernced "aliens" which is just stereotypically a green thing with antenna's that comes from mars, they dont have lasers and rockets . what is wrong with you . Like I said . educate yourself .

  17. You need to stop playing video games and watching so much tv.

    As for the question even though it's way too far fetched. I protect my country from foreign and domestic enemies till the day I die.

  18. Depends if they issue luncheon vouchers.

  19. Nothing wrong with immigration - ask any left wing socialist troll.

  20. Are we talking about outer space aliens or illegal aliens?  I'm willing to fight against both.

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