
How many people would a $15 bottle of vodka get drunk?

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I'm trying to get 3 people drunk, me included as cheap as possible.





  1. Hahaha, you will be lucky to get yourself drunk with a $15 bottle of vodka!

    Drinking it straight.

    The only way, I could see 3 people getting drunk off a $15 bottle, is if it's yours, or your 2 other friends', first time drinking.

    Get them to contribute, if it is for you guys to have a good time, I'm sure they would be more than happy.

  2. Go with the high octane.  Make sure it's 100 proof vodka.  It should take care of 4!

  3. It depends on where you live.  Where I live, the closest size would be a $12-13 bottle, and that would get three people drunk - if we drank shots or strong mixed drinks.  Drink 'em fast, and you'll get drunk after 2 or 3 shots.  Don't worry.  

    The 750 mL size, if you can get that in cheap vodka for 15 dollars (here it's about 20) would probably be easier for getting your friends trashed.  

    If you live somewhere where you can get 50% vodka or stronger alcohol, get that - the stronger the liquor, the faster you'll get drunk.  

    Have fun!

  4. How big is that?

    If that gets you a two six I  would say not very drunk.  Unless you were to do something crazy like soak tampons in it and shove them up your asses.  Then all of you could probably put yourselves in the hospital on that much vodka.

  5. cheap is hard. maybe find some other way. there has gotta be another way. it can't be that hard.

  6. $15 will get you a big bottle of cheap vodka.

    1 fluid ounce  (a normal shot) = 30 mL.  Most alcohol is sold in mL.  For an average person, drinking between 5 and 10 shots of 80 proof Vodka is going to get you plenty drunk.

    So at most, you need 300 mL.

    Here's a link that shows you can get a 750 mL bottler for $9 -$13.

    Be careful.

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