
How many people you know you don't speak to now but used to earlier?

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I have two people with whom i had some fights and i don't speak to at all now. I am not at all comfortable speaking to them. Am i the only one or are there people with situations like this and who haven't been at fault?




  1. It Happens to everyone most of the time.  

  2. I had a fight with my sister, because she told my brother that she wished him dead. It will be a year soon and I have not found it in my heart to speak to her yet.

    You are not alone, but it is better to give your self time than to be a hippocrite.

  3. Millions of people. Not millions, but a LOT. For example, family friends, friends from old schools, old friends, families that are too far away, and aquantiences from school.  

  4. Oh my gosh I was just thinking about this yesterday actually.

    There are people I know you I used to be really close friends with, and we didn't get in any fights or anything, but now we just don't talk as much/at all. It's like they're in a whole other social class or something now. I know people who I would ALWAYS talk to. We were friends and shared the funniest moments. Then the summer went by and we just weren't as close anymore. I also know people who go to other schools and when we met we were really good friends and we always started laughing at the most random stuff and now it's like I don't know them.

    Idk it just seems like they're a different person or something


  5. more than 1000

    becoz i left my school,my country and wid some ppl i had a fight

  6. I won't say exactly how many.  Just know that you are not alone.  Sometimes people change.  Sometimes we change, or we come to realize that communicating with a certain person has become unhealthy or toxic.  I'm going through this right now with a friend whose "jokes" and "barbs," as he describes them, have become moe and more mean and hurtful.  As long as he won't admit this, or change this, there is no way I am going to be with him and continue to place myself in the line of fire.  It's a sad situation that has been developing over time. Now, I have finally had enough.

  7. There are a couple of friends I don't talk to anymore but in case I feel that my friends are at fault I would tell them the reason why i got hurt and would give them a chance to explain themselves before I plan on completely cutting them out of my life.

    It is very natural to feel uncomfortable talking to them but give yourself some time. At times there are chances that they might clear out the differences even before you think about it.

  8. 100s of 1000s over the course of my life.  It is not because of a fight; just moved and lost track of them.  Views changed and beliefs didn't match on some issues of the way our country has turned.

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