
How many percent of your salary goes to taxes?

by  |  earlier

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I'm unemployed, and I've never had a job before. If I make $15 an hour, how much will the taxes be?




  1. 15%, payable per pay period through your employer. If you paid too much through payroll deductions then you get it back after filing your tax return. If you paid too little, you write the IRS a check when you file your return.

  2. It depends on what state you live in, and what your tax status is (married? single? kids? other dependents? homeowner? lots of medical bills? etc.)

    Too many variables for us to estimate with just the information you've given us.

  3. I'm not sure I think it depends on your dependants/personal exspiences things like that then they will take tax from your check.........I thought it wsn't any taxes on food but in some stores there are.........Blessings/Blessings Yahoo

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