
How many personalities to you have ?

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How many personalities to you have ?




  1. I'd day three, ID, EGO and SUPEREGO.  Id is me acting like a child, ego is me as an adult, and superego is the part of me that doesn't take any c**p from anyone, kind of like Joan Crawford.

  2. None.

    When I studied Martial Arts, I quickly saw that each 'art' was like a separate personality. And each had strengths and weaknesses.

    Then I discovered Bruce Lee's philosophically-based style of 'no style'. He refrained from becoming a style because then it would have weaknesses.

    Think of it as water. No matter the container it is put in, water immediately adapts to flaws.

    Ditto for personality. Choosing to have a bold personality or a reserved personality all bring certain weaknesses. It is more effective to adapt to each situation. Thus you must develop all personas and develop the ability to know which persona to use at a moment's notice.

  3. twenty-three and a half.

  4. My voices say three.

  5. alot.. im different when im sober to when im drunk to when im high to when im trippin out of other ****..


  6. just mean and meaner

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