
How many pets should i have too have too many.cuz i have a lot. (1m 14)?

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i have a LOT of cats.i need to know if i have to many.wats your opinion of how many is too many.i know it doesnt make sense.i couldnt figuar out how to say it




  1. If you are taking care of all of these cats yourself, one or two is quite enough. If you depend on someone else to take care of them, you should have no more than one, if that.

    When you are deciding, think about who pays for food and who tends to the cats' needs, such as being brushed, getting shots, etc. If you are the only person taking care of them, more than two might be too many. The cats may not get enough attention. If someone else is taking care of them, then it is not fair to that person to have any cats at all, unless they belong to them.

    You should base your decision on who is being affected: you, the cats, and anyone else?  

  2. WAIT...?

    Do you have 1 million and 14 cats, or do you have 1 male and 14 females??

    Please make your question more clear. I cannot understand what you are trying to tell us :s

    But Fyi: I think you have too many cats when you cannot afford to neuter them, buy them basic essentials, or spend an adequate amount of time with them every day.

  3. as long as you can look after them then i don't think there's such thing as too many. my friend (living on her own) has 7 cats, 2 dogs, 4 rabbits and a bird aviary in her house and she manages fine.

  4.       Dear (1m14) ,

          I would say as many as You have the monery for , as well ..., If you prefer to throw your money down the drain , or unless You find

    some one to by them for tamales , or some thing .. don't get back on here and ask for help cause they have ate you out of home as well as left you with doctor bills , and have You up to Your knees in manure

    (s--t) h**l honey have fun and if the smell of cat pee , hair balls and kitty (c--p) behind the furniture , urp ups on the floors and when You get grout from the whole mess of filth ,cat hair , the amount that you could of had after all of that , Send them to a turkey shoot , and just

    maybe we can have an exseption that day , to have a raffle off ot how can shoot the most puddy cats ..

    Oh when You do this could you at least advertise on Yahoo that day .. WM .. if you want my answer ..., You can have the leftovers ..  

  5. well it would be nice if you told us how many cats you had..but when you feel over whelmed that you have to many........

  6. No amount of cats are too many, They're too cute. Unless you turn into a crazy cat person, then it's WAAAAAY to many haha.

  7. At 14, I'd say more than two or three is probably too many.  You have schoolwork and chores to tend to.  And you have to get a full night's sleep.  That all takes up a bunch of time which doesn't leave much for feeding, grooming, vet care, and playing with pets.

  8. Whatever amount you cant take care of is too many. also you might want to think about who is going to take care of them when you go to college and your mom is left to take care of them. also, in high school, you will most likely be preocupied with homework and hangin out with your friends and stuff. so it all depends on what you and your mom can handle. =]

  9. well. depends on the person. for me 2 cats would be too many.

  10. Too many cats is if the area for the cat to play around is limited and small, if the cat recieves little/or no attention, if the cat is given limited amount of food. That is when you have too many cats.

    If you are able to provide care, food and love to every single one of those cats, you are okay. But if not, you have way too many.

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