
How many photos does a 2 GB Sd card hold ??

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I have a samsung digital camera it is 8.1 mp., and I am going to the beach soon and I want alot of pictures for our vacation .




  1. On my digital camera [7.2 megapixels] I use the 5M size option for photos which makes a picture the size of a piece of paper. The size of the photos varies around 1.5mb to 2mb+ so i'd say around.. I dunno.. 300-500 pictures? More if you choose a smaller size. Guesstimating here

  2. it is different for every camera. yours you have to check. on mine 2gb will take about 200. but changing settings like mp or quality to a lower setting you can take much more. the best way to check is to insert the 2gb card in the camera and look, it should say how many pictures it will take.

  3. Let's see. At 8.1MP the images would be around 5.2MB, that would give you around 380-420 images in a 2GB card. The size does vary some depending on several factors.

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