
How many physical anthropologists accept evolutionary theory of homo sapiens?

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  1. DNA patterns are almost exactly the same between man and chimpanzees, for example.

    There is also proof of the supposed "missing" link. Do a search for "proconsul."

  2. Nearly 100% accept evolutionary theory because they are scientists and the evidence is beyond overwhelming.

  3. It appears that a physical anthropologist has by definition, accepted human evolution while in school. Therefore I would assume 99.9% of professional physical anthropologist barring a few who hate their job and wanting to find something else (difficult to imagine, but you never know)

    "Biological or physical anthropology seeks to understand the physical human being through the study of human evolution and adaptability, population genetics, and primatology. Subfields or related fields include paleoanthropology (study of evolutionary history of the human species), anthropometrics, forensic anthropology, osteology, and nutritional anthropology. On the basis of Tinbergen's four questions a framework of reference or "periodic table" of all fields of anthropological research (including humanities) can be established."

  4. This is just a guess but I would think 100%. Anthropology classes tend to teach evolution. It is sorta common sense in a way. A big difference between man and animal is that man can think in the abstract. A work of art is abstract thought so is the written language. Man could take a piece of chalk and draw something on a rock that looks like something he sees.

    So, A(the thing he sees)=B(the drawing). Ancient man really got into this abstract stuff so when he started writting then the abstract thought starting coming out such as poetry. That is why the Bible being such an important work to the writers put the work in an abstract way like a painting in words. Abstract thought, in a way, is closer to God because that is something that humans are really good at and thus is a sign. That is why an anthropologist can believe in the Bible and evolution. Does that answer the question that you have?, I hope so.

  5. All the smart ones do.

    Why? because it has been proven

  6. Its not a theory, its a fact.  Mitochondrial DNA testing has proven it.

  7. All the ones with a brain.

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